Monkeybread's Dribblings
Thanks Elderscroller! Yep you're right on there. I'm planning on doing a few more studies over the next few weeks. Cheers!

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I like the last speed sketch you did of the giant on the hill. I agree with you on finishing work though. It just makes you feel more accomplished when you set out to finish something and actually get it done.

Thanks Frenik! Yeah definitely will start finishing more things now that I've finally got the spitpaint thing out of my system. I will still do some here and there for sure because it's always a really good way of figuring out what needs work. And what needs work is characters!!!

This time tried out hard rounds to model form and light in the shorter timeframe and it seems to work a little better than what I normally do for enviros, which is to build up value slowly. Not happy but more experimentation required and I think I can get a bit better in the timeframe.
Gnome Warlock 30mins

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Yet another 30 min POS
Also I decided to leave the spitpaint group. It was just too much for me and I felt it was distracting and demoralising me too much from the gains I had made to date. Lots of people seem to love it so maybe go check it out if you like getting smacked repeatedly in the face with the giant balls of already awesome artists. Lol

Ooooo. k. So back to the better path again. I decided to post this wip, because, well I'm not sure exactly where I'm going to take it...royal lady or crusader type with sword etc. Need to figure out where her arms are haha. I'm not going to take this to full on render (kinda tightened Mullins style I guess) but I really want to finish this because I think I have a good base to work on. Any thoughts would be cool as I keep chipping away at it in the interim.

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I agree with the speedpaints kinda being distracting and not really all too helpful. Maybe if you're just doing them to get some kind of rough thumb down. In fact, I probably would do them at thumb level so as to not get bogged down while trying to paint that quickly. But I digress.

I like the mood and character you've got established for this one so far. No crits, just see how far you can take it.

I would really love to see the speedpaint just rendered a bit more, because I really love the mood you have made so far, and in regards to the spitpaint thing, I totally agree with, as awesome as the group is seeing people of that level painting that well, for someone of my quite low skill level (not saying you are at a low skill level), there is hardly anything I can offer in just an hour let alone 30 minutes haha, so yeah guess taking it slow is the best option at this time. The design on the latest character looks quite interesting, can't give really give any feedback yet, a bit too soon to say.

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Thanks Egbu, I totally agree with you. Thanks for dropping by!
A thing for fun:

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Woah, lots of cool stuff going on in that last one :) The head seems pretty small compared to the rest of the anatomy though.

Great colors!

Love that inked style

Finally finished something.

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(11-25-2013, 04:17 PM)monkeybread Wrote: Finally finished something.

Somehow that reminds me of the game Fallout: New Vegas.
Oh yeah, I never played any of the fallout games. I was however listening to this while I was doing it, which influenced the subject matter :)

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'chinese lion' 30 mins

'blue lipstick' 30 mins

Retro sci fantasy enviro - unfinished'

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Started in plein air, finished in studio...well not finished...but abandoned

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Hey, the finished environment is awesome, on the retro sci-fi stuff: Cool overall mood, what I think is missing is a bit more clear handling of focal points. Is it the guy in the front? Is it the well-lit area in the midground? Is it the guy in the back? Somehow I can't decide who the main element of the picture is.. I'd try pushing the shiny crystal things back a bit (they deflect attention from the more important stuff because they are relatively contrasted) and decrease contrast in the background, that massive structure in the back could be pushed back with aerial perspective, plus where the sun is it looks like if it was a bit transparent. (Is the sun even necessary?)
Other than that, cool composition, I think it definitely would be worth some extra thought.. :)

Did not know there was such thing as spitpaint addiction :)
Anyway loving the finished stuff, keep doing more of it. Enviro concept looks badass.

Man, I am always stunned by your colours every time I come into this sketchbook. I have no idea how you do it.
Nice to see a couple of finished pieces from you. Really kick arse. I agree with Kaffer though, injecting a little more story into a couple of your pieces will really help. Technically they are all really good (especially the colours xP ) but adding a couple of story elements will really pull the viewer in and get them wanting more :)

Happy new years, be sure to kick just as much arse next year :D

Hey, your recent works are looking really good! I'm thinking those speed paintings really helped out a lot in that regard.

Why not do some line drawings man, sometimes a 360 turn helps to churn up those creative juices. Keep it up!

@LongJH: Thanks man. I don't think the spit paints help too much to be perfectly honest. They do allow you to know where the real issues are though..not great as a learning technique otherwise IMO. Line drawings! Yes I totally shooooould! :)
@Jaik: Thanks a lot dude. Wish I could tell you how I do the colour thing because I really have no clue. :) Narrative is something I'm definitely working on. The 'why' is often the most important thing for emotional impact isn't it, and yet we focus so much on the how.
@Cracked: Cheers man. I aim on caning January into oblivion art wise, so let's see if I can deliver.
@Kaffer: Thanks for the crit. I pretty much agree with it all. This one is unfinished, and I have a better comp of this piece which is in wip stage....I'll try upload it when done.

Right so testing a new workflow for the new year. And I bloody like it.
I did this in 2 hours, all painted no Photos. Not that time matters at all.

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Russian Soldier...tad over 30mins

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