Vandrake's sketchbook
(04-16-2020, 12:01 PM)melolon Wrote: Hey! Pushing the 3d construction of your figures would add some life to them! Made this drawover for ya
Treating the body with more form in the initial stages of a drawing will give it more believe-ability in the render as you finish a piece. Study the body and break it down!
Thanks! i'll keep it in mind :)
[Image: chicacuernos72.jpg]
[Image: cloud72.jpg]
[Image: goku72.jpg]
Hey just want to give you some encouragement i think your improving at your own speed.Would be nice to have more drawing and less painting i think it would improve your anatomy more rapidly.Invest sometime in drawing hand also and your figure will start to look more believable.Also spend more time practicing foreshortening of the limb.What is nice about your work is you already have your own style and i think that great.I just wish you would still try to do more realism so you could push your stylisation even more.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: carnicero72.jpg]
[Image: rogue72.jpg]
[Image: chicacondragon72.jpg]
[Image: hada72.jpg]
[Image: espantapajaros72.jpg]
[Image: dragongirl272.jpg]
[Image: jinete72.jpg]
[Image: cultista72.jpg]
[Image: vampiraplaya72.jpg]
From what I see in your paintings it is evident that you are skipping the fundamentals and trying to do very complex things without any basis or theory. I think it would be much more beneficial for you to study the fundamentals, learn how to draw a good human figure and also understand how light works in real life.

My sketchbook

Thanks everyone for the tips i will try to apply them

[Image: orconuevo72.jpg]
[Image: hombreconaguila72.jpg]
[Image: le%25C3%25B1ador72.jpg]
[Image: supermariobros72.jpg]
[Image: paulsirats72.jpg]
[Image: marioblooper72.jpg]
[Image: geralt272.jpg]
[Image: hera72.jpg]
Anatomy studies

[Image: 20200903_220248.jpg][Image: 20200903_220312.jpg]
[Image: 20200903_221827.jpg][Image: 20200903_221841.jpg]
[Image: barbaroface72.jpg]
[Image: kenny72.jpg]
[Image: goblinpantano72.jpg]
[Image: blasphemousfanart72.jpg]
[Image: amongus72.jpg]
[Image: justea72.jpg]
[Image: demoncrest72.jpg]
[Image: briar72.jpg]
[Image: ogro72.jpg]
[Image: zombiemetal72.jpg]

The last one came out pretty nicely you should still learn more about perspective the ogro piece as some issue with the hammer.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

These are a couple of things i have done for a visual novel

[Image: fondoescuela.jpg]
[Image: fondohabitacion.jpg]
[Image: fondobosque.jpg]
[Image: samplejulietsonrojada.jpg]
[Image: sample4personajes.jpg]
[Image: fondoparque.jpg]
Nice job! I can tell you are working really hard on your stuff!

I think that the mix between photo texture and painting is to harsh in your last piece. The bench, trees etc are to lose compared to the very hard texture of the bricks on the road.

As for the characters. They look nice, but they look like they also lean over to much to one side. A common error if you don't draw out proper lines of actions and such when you are setting up the figures in the sketching stage.

Keep up the good work! And keep posting! :)


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