razvanc-r's sketchbook dump
moar... finally, the arm/hand, this one is freaking tough!

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day 32... darkness fell as I discovered my values are $1-17... I mean I knew already, but not to this extent, better study for the sake of life!

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A couple of more anatomy studies

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m... yeah, difficult one

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There, finally got around to doing some more work on Katherine, well I wanted to go through hands & legs/feet but I didn't manage... hence the weird pose...

Although it looks like it's finished, because I'm aware of the problems I consider it still very much WIP, also just realized that the arms could be better. Any of you guys have any tips on how to freaking feet in such "extreme" perspective? :D

*edit* tried fixing some of the stuff that was kind of obvious (second image)... don't know if I succeeded tho'...
*edit2* after I finished Melo I immediately realized that Katherine's legs are a bit too fluffy and that's one of the issues as to why it looks weird... tried improving it :)

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Couldn't sleep until I finished my room (aka fundamentals). Looks odd in places cause well... all dimensions are guessed and I'm sure I didn't get most of them right.

ref attached :)

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Worked a bit on the animation project. This would be Melo, a half Chinese/half Dutch dude. I actually think this guys looks much better than Katherine. Thoughts?! We are going with the right most drawing.

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Good progress in here Razvan, those Hampton style studies are looking good and the Blender stuff is interesting too.

One thing I noticed on the characters Catherine and Melo, be careful with their hands - they look a bit on the small side to me - unless that's a stylistic thing you're going for - in which case ignore me :).

Keep it going guy!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@Artloader thanks for the feedback, no I'm not really going for anything stylistic particularly for these characters D:, I just haven't practiced hands/legs/feet all that much so those would be especially weak/funny looking. After I practice some more I'll revisit these figures and correct what I can :)

some more hands practice...

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Your latest anatomy studies look nice, I'm also learning from that book. Also Loomis.
Anyways, I used to draw manga style until about 5 years ago. The manga/anime style trap is the illusion that you can cheat your way into becoming good without knowing the anatomy or composition etc.
Glad you're not making that mistake!

@AlexShi yeah I kind of realized that stylized drawing won't be any good if you don't know the fundamentals... thanks for dropping by :)

Hey! nice work on the drawings! Keep it up!
Regarding your still life (is that a peeled apple with red sauce?) I think the reference image is not very well lit. I'd rather take something else next time :D

Hey @gregorkari! The reference image comes from some restaurant photography I think, It's glazed apple of some sorts, I don't know, it just looked difficult enough that I might be interested in it :D. Bad idea, I should probably stick with the simple stuff first :)... Painting I haven't really done so much yet, just drawing. And I'm definitely having some hard time figuring it out :D... not to mention that I'm bad with values. But, let's see, I decided to go back to fundamentals! :)

Sticking with the simple stuff and slowly ramping it up sounds like a plan. 
Have you ever checked out the tutorials on shading by Sam Nielson? He's also done a really great workshop at schoolism that explains a lot!

Well @gregorkari, I can't say I did :) but the problem isn't resources, sometimes (read "most times") I am stubborn and try to do it my way without looking at how others are doing it, I guess I'm going through experimentation to find what/how i like it. I know the basics of all of this stuff, in theory at least, I've read countless articles on proportions, anatomy, color, shading etc. :) I just need to put in the hours of practice. You can find some shadings I did on my deviant gallery: http://razvanc-r.deviantart.com/gallery/.../Learn-Mix, when I use reference & you know, I put in the time to do it I think I can get pretty decent results.

I just need practice... is my motto :P

yeah, I get you.. got the same all the time. :D
I've checked your da-gallery, good stuff!

Should probably upload this here as well... Yep, my entry for CHOW #02 http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-8...#pid110473 ... some more details of the ordeal (:P) in the WIP thread: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-8132.html

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Gaahh nice to see you post so regularely <3 Keep going you are a great motivation to post everyday! One thing I noticed is that melos from our view right shoulder is a bit to broad for the rest of the body :)

Nice catch on Melo dude, thanks, I'll definitely have to do one more pass on these things :D.

Ehem... now to the tears, practice sheet :/ hands are freaking difficult!...

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