Ass Kick
Quote:Artloader But... but i..i am not a dude. Haha just wanted  to get that out :P

Oops! Really sorry dudette!  Nice studies again though :).

Keep it going!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Cool! thanks for the reply. That's a good amount of time to spend on the studies. Also, nice update! The value structure look pretty nice for your portraits :)

Artloader Haha np :D Thank you so much and I will!
Axrel thanks <3 yeah i am quite slow but i think its going to get better with time.. being patient is hard sometimes

Well today some sketches, a digital concept thing. I tried to use my (very limited) knowledge of the 20th century clothing of the soldiers. Then some eye and mouth studies that took me forever, some anatomy, repetition and finally a portrait study. This one was straight to color really hard for me since i have the biggest problems with that. And I recorded it for fun, maybe I'll upload it...we'll see

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Couldn't sleep so I doodled a bit. Completely failed with his tattoos but that wasnt my focus anyways.Now its time to go to bed. Mondays suck

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Noodlette you're really going at it!

particularly like those eyes and lips :O

you're leaving me toats behind xD
Wow, haven't been here for just about a week and there's all this new stuff you've posted! VERY impressive. Makes me feel ashamed of the small amount of work I've done.
And I see you improving!!

good stuff keep grindin them facezzz!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
What! You guys are the best <3 your comments motivate me and keep me from studying for tests next week.

Fedodika Thanks man I will do :D
AlexShi Aww thank you so much. You are all so motivating I coulndt stop drawing even if i wanted to haha. And dont put yourself down your sketchbook is so cool
SweatiestDegree thanks for the wonderful nickname ;3 yeah they took me the longest so i guess they should look the best haha

Today was more doolding day I guess. A digital line drawing, a face from imagination, doing value first and then color. And some anatomy... feet!

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Thats a lot of feet, good job!! It's probably the hardest part of human body to draw, but you seem to have no problems with it in that skull dude sketch. The pose is badass too, I'm wondering if there is gonna be a colored version?

Your skull guy looks awesome! And that portrait looks great :) Keep up the good work!

Axrel Thank youuu <3 well faces from front view are a bit easier for me (They still suck though >.<)
Vennsomn Nah, got so much more to learn about feet but thank you so much *.* and no, no colored version just a small sketch.
Today only a potrait doodle. The train sketchbook pages are not completely done yet, probably tomorrow. I was meeting up with some illustrators from my city today. Its a monthly thing where you sit and talk together. Tomorrow is going to be waaayy more :D

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That skeleton guy is amazing! Also your Bammes feet studies are getting along really well!

Good job on the last portrait, your sense of form is pretty good..The construction of the head could be a bit better though, I'd like you to check out Loomis' book on heads and hands, it's soooo great, literally all my face drawing skills are due to that book, and I haven't even finished it yet. I mean, you're studying bammes rn of course, but after that maybe? Anyways, keep doing what ur doing bc ur doing great!

The skeleton dewd reminds me of Steve Lichman haha. I'm digging the, what I presume is from life, study in the bus/car/train/submarine (idk).

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
kvSketch Haha yeah I probably was inspired by dave but well hes the man :D And thanks it was my parents car. 
Vennosomn Thanks for the tip and you are absolutely right I need to do more structutral studies of the face. I will start with that right away! 

Today was kinda lazy doodly haha. A sketch, trying to improve my lineart and be a bit bolder with my lines. And a WIP. Just exprerimenting with as many brushes as possible to ge a better feel with it. And to pracitce values.. cause I really need that. And finally a pig sketch. Only that part cause the rest of the page is shit

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Nice!! Your rendering for the pig sketch looks really good :) Also cool WIP!! I need to experiment with my brushes more- I have too many and I have no clue what they're like. I think your line work is also getting better! Keep on going at it!

you re getting so good :)

keep it up

I'm getting some slight piotr jablonski vibes from these last sketches, looks awesome. And damn, the values on that pig are just delicious, how do you do that? I'm so bad at rendering with pencil ..

Leonard thanks so much and waahh not nearly as good as you are >.<
Vennsomn hehe... well you are right ^^ i did it subconscious. About the pig, i guess i just spend a ot of time in the train to work everyday. Thats the time when i doodle in my sketchbook. And i am always a bit rough at the beginning and try to render it later. A bit like digitial painitng.
Thank youuu <3 and I will. Your motivation is crazy btw

Soo today a protrait study, on from imagination and a few figures from head. Since none of my sketchbook pages are done yet I cant show any right now. And I started reading vanderpoel and holy moly its a very nice good. I wanted to do more but exams are coming next week so I'll cut it shourt today and learn a bit. Hopefully this period wont last as long.

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hehehe hoo haa! daily posts yesh! finally someone else goin for it!!

Hmm, the man portrait you did looks a lot better than the girl. I think cuz the girl has her head tilted at a range I don't think you'd see the other eye. I know drawing heads in 3/4 is the biggest undertaking an artist can go through IMO, but when you figure it out it's very VERY fulfilling!

It's more about observation, keep that in mind, analyze why the nose covers up the face at certain angles. A good challenge is to draw the head in a turnaround, all the way 360 degrees. that will force you to observe reference and make it make sense. I've even seen some people do animations of it! they never regret it ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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