Ass Kick
Artloader thank youuu <3 I'll try even more now!
Leonard thanks and yeah do them they are really helpful :3
LowPolyLama what confidence haha xd but thank you 

Well well today some legs, a face doodle dumb and a little sketch for this weeks CHOW and some figures from head

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Keep it up with those anatomy studies dude, they're gonna pay off big time later on. Anatomy is something I'm struggling with currently, as I never learned it properly :P Learn from my mistake!

As for your recent portrait sketch, the neck seems a tad skinny. Also, the shoulder is too small, even if it's the perspective. It really accentuates how skinny his neck is and how far his head is coming forward.

Keep it up!

Thanks Nick will do :D And yes you are right the neck sucks big time. Need to study the anatomy of it more.

Gaahh so lazy >.< tried some enviroments and failed big time. I need to do more of them.

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Great arm studies, you can really feel the twist there

Alexdanila thank you :3

Well today some anatomy and a character thing, completely failing with the lineart. Gotta improve on that!

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hoo hoo! wicked! Maybe pay some attention to the mid (stomach) section, it seems a little small, and the leg under the pipe hand, it looks like it isn't connecting right to his pelvis; Really nice anatomical details though :) I like the personality!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
More great studies Noodle! I love seeing your écorché studies.

I also like how you're rendering your anatomy studies a bit, you might have even more fun if you started adding some reflected light and core shadows (Walent does this beautifully - check out his SB), here's Proko's video on light and form in case you need a refresher:

Please feel free to ignore this if it gets in the way of your progress though. Personally I get a real kick out of slipping in the odd core shadow here or there as it can really add realism to even a quick study.

Keep going though - you're on fire!! (Not literally - you're doing great is what I mean.)

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Pretty cool gestures!
Very dynamic and alive!
Loving the last character with the mushroom hat ! great stuff!
Voodoomama Thank you so much :3 I feel that gestures are the only thing i dont completely suck at right now.!
Artloader thank you :P those studies really helped me. And thanks to you i just watched the proko video. I plan on including what i have learned in the next studies.

Today some figures again. Cant remember which were from reference and which not. Its kinda all over the place. Then one character thing, still trying to improve my lines they look so boring and stiff damn. Also a robot doodle. This was the first time I ever did one and it was super hard but also very fun :3 and then some anatomy. Sorry for the bad quality but my scanner is refusing to scan the moment.. bla

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(03-30-2017, 03:36 PM)NoodleInBox Wrote: Voodoomama Thank you so much :3 I feel that gestures are the only thing i dont completely suck at right now.!
Artloader thank you :P those studies really helped me. And thanks to you i just watched the proko video. I plan on including what i have learned in the next studies.

Today some figures again. Cant remember which were from reference and which not. Its kinda all over the place. Then one character thing, still trying to improve my lines they look so boring and stiff damn. Also a robot doodle. This was the first time I ever did one and it was super hard but also very fun :3 and then some anatomy. Sorry for the bad quality but my scanner is refusing to scan the moment.. bla

Nice job! Will wait for the nest spread)
UKRAINIANWOLF97 Thank you for your patience :D I promise that you wont have to wait that long for the next update.

Anatomy, figures as usual. Tried some direct colors with the face doodle and the character (supposed to be a punk spiderman thing). Man these suck. Gonna get better at that fast! Then a small animation. Its so hard damn :o

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Hoo hoo! keep scratchin it out! shading ain't bad on some of these studies too :) For the animation, I am really bad at it, but I think starting with literally just a square and trying to rotate it would be more manageable (it gives me a headache trying to do, so it must be worth it lol)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika Thank you for the tip :P if i ever have the patience again and do another animation I gonna apply it.

So drapery studies, skull, some faces from imagination and digital from reference. And hands wohoo! Damn the scanned stuff looks so bad but im always too lazy to correct it afterwards with photshop so you are gonna have to bear with the bad values (well to be honest its not that much better in real life anyway...)

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you're so damn consistent with the anatomystudies.

weiter so ! :)

Leonard Danke dir :D ich geb mein bestes haha

Not that much today :/ A face, selfies and some doodles. Colors are so hard fuck

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hmm, you're getting a lot right with the faces, but there is one thing I'd like to point out is the symbol drawing. While you have the symbols right, the they aren't sitting on the face correctly. In particular, with your recent ones here, the one on the left:

The left eye is much bigger and wouldn't fit into the skull of the face. Also, imagine fitting a skull in that head, there'd be a lot more room for the skull to go back to the ear. Like more, space in the jaw, Idk the technical terms...

This fellow is a perfect example of symbol drawing; His nose, on it's own, looks like a nose, but in the context of his face, it's flat, like imagine him turning his head, his nose would go straight down like a rectangle. This makes the picture in that uncanny valley territory if you stare at it long enough hoo hoo <3

Just remember to build forms up as three dimensional shapes, Draw the ball of the eye, draw the eyelids around it, make it feel 3d. Same with the nose, draw each part of the structure, make it feel 3d, like its coming out of the face instead of just smacked on there. And STUDY DAT SKULL! take notes baby grll <3 It's Advice I myself should be taking...

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika thank you so much for the great feedback <3 I will do more studies of the structure of the face for shure! Need to get better with my faces after all.

Just a face I did in my break at work today avout 20 min. And a character thing. Way too much influenced by halo haha. Too lazy to scan anything else.

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hehe that sci fi design is cool; The arms are weird though, stand up and put your hands at your sides and see how much closer to the knee it is, then look at the biceps and remember there's a little more space before the forearm starts. the feet seem kinda weird, like they should push out further at more of an angle, and one looks flat, the one on the right.

The finish and texture on it looks pro imo :p

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika yeah man you are right the am looks super weird :/ Thank you so much for kicking my butt and making me think more about stuff. Its super helpful.

Just a bit of the stuff from today. Meh

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Yay I actually managed to post today! So sad haha. Well anyways some doodles. I really like the one pixel brush at the moment. Then a life color study. Man those are so hard for me. I have so many problems with seeing colors correctly and rendering stuff out. But I am hopeful that it will get better with time :) And some value studies. The two balls are from imagination.

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