Cheers for taking the time~
I do learn from how other artists do, its just not enough to learn their ways cos it's like been filtered through them already, so I'm building up my own understanding together with the observations they share.
Not all studies gotta look great.
These last few pages served their purpose in aiding my observations. I'm not fussed so much with the end result.

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I have deep admiration for the amount of projects, ideas, and sheer amount of artwork you're doing, it's inspiring to see. I'm curious, what is your driving motivation for all this hard work? I struggle with burn out often if I take on too much at once, especially projects I'm not passionate about.

Your comics and murals are looking awesome, props to making so many tangible products that bring value to your audience and clients.

If you ever looking some art books, like Bridgeman, who has some interesting constructive anatomy, shoot me a message. I have a ton of online art resources available I'd love to share.

Keep it up, you're doing great!

I am blown away by those spray paintings!
I also enjoyed your comic very much. Great job, all those crazy action poses and fight scenes.The pages are very well done.My favorite was the one where she drops her clothes to her feets. I was very impressed!

(08-04-2020, 07:15 AM)Shuty Wrote: I am blown away by those spray paintings!
I also enjoyed your comic very much. Great job, all those crazy action poses and fight scenes.The pages are very well done.My favorite was the one where she drops her clothes to her feets. I was very impressed!


I know we talked already but I'll just write something in case someone browsing actually reads the stuff lol

My motivation is I fucking love art, and it's a good kind of relationship where the love gets deeper as time goes on.
I know I've gotta work out the make a living side for the sake of supporting myself to in effect
buy time to make the art I want to make for myself.

Everything I paint has study value and I'm always working on improving something while making stuff that I hope doubles as being worth showing.

I've got a bunch of stuff that incomplete and so many goals and things to work on
and I'm at a place where I know what skills I'm trying to develop.

when it's not client work, I paint or draw or sculpt whatever I fancy in the moment, so I barely feel burn out but I do take a breather after finishing a big piece. clock a linear story video game or something haha


thanks for the kind words, Spray painting is really fun and a great break from digital
not doing any at the moment because my state is in lock down for the pandemic, but I'm looking forward to getting out there again and getting absorbed in the process

I really enjoyed and stressed allot making the comic stuff
It's just the beginning of a story I'm continually expanding since several years ago.

I've got some skills to flesh out before I get back to it, but it was a great test so far

I'm itching to do my personal work, got 2 contracts and a couple commissions to get through still
have to appreciate having work too but always makes me crave doing personal work  Shock

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I wanted to break the seal and stream on twitch for the first time in a long time
I haven't been sleeping well so I just wanted to unwind a bit
mess around with some brushes and paint to royalty free lofi beats which weren't bad
I needed to do a little something for myself

I love doing these kind of paintings
I think there's allot of learning to be had in them

follow me on twitch if you want
otherwise its pretty lonely haha
[Image: de2ljtf-01d62e68-78d1-4f01-ba74-9bf749fe...0gfnrQmcSk]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Did a self portrait for #prokochallenge on instagram
August is self portrait challenge, something to do if you need a reason to paint/draw something  Thinking
Rules are here for those intermarested..

[Image: de2sam6-3e7520b8-383e-4c0b-8ff2-3a3b8246...JeJkUsT6Zg]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So, I'm going to revisit this piece..
I was never fully satisfied with the rendering
I also found some more wolverine offspring so adding them in and attempting to polish it further and push my skills further. Wish me luck, but more so patience

going to give clip studio a go for this one
[Image: de3853v-4a5cd4cf-21cc-44a8-af9b-b08df958...Abw3X8fzE8]

Still working my way through client work, hopefully get through the bigger stuff by end of August..

here's a couple of animal drawings that didn't make the cut for a project because they didn't have a friendly enough public perception for being meat eaters mainly I guess..

[Image: de385sn-d03c2f14-c6f1-41a6-b92f-94896075...ex4KCYvNwc]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Here's a couple of small commissions knocked out

this ones for my friends firefighter team logo, It's just for their fun
used it as an excuse to study some Mike Mignola and practice using Affinity designer to do some vector based stuff
Stylized tings and vector tings both out of comfort zone so Satisfied for the moment.
Still backed up with client work, bit stressed with it all. just keeping up best I can.

[Image: de3v20x-b9d212c3-82f0-4910-8c16-12d63e54...F7fyh_5doA]

and a Cowboy commission from an old repeat client.
Gave clip studio a try for this one. I like the program in allot of ways but the lack of 'copy merged' makes me sad
still, straight up drawing does feel closer to traditional than photoshop

[Image: de3v24i-3b2eacd8-023d-4307-9898-26fb0892...FOm_5Ks-J0]

Here's some of the reference used, I didn't find a perfect reference so had to do a bit of making do, which is good for a challenge. the portrait reference was just a selfie type photo which is not ideal but hopefully I made it work ok.

[Image: de3v2dc-798d1daf-ca6e-403a-a9f6-93206de7...9Scsm3jzWE]

making time to flesh out the story for my graphic novel.
going well, can't wait to make it real. hopefully get somewhere significant with it in the next year.
trying to get enough money up so i can coast for a bit and do personal things and quit stress eating.

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I Tried an online Zoom life drawing session tonight
Cant compare to doing it in person but was still a bit of fun.
The theme was Mortal Kombat

[Image: 27082020_lifedrawing_mk_by_andrew_gibbon...-nAGCQnIow]

and a quick drawing from today that I didn't hate

[Image: de41jjr-598ee3f6-8252-4132-87d8-dd5009aa...odrOrfIj_c]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So whats been happeninngingigngng

over the hump of some client work, taking some time to sneak in some personal work.
revisiting the comic work in progress.

still tightening up the story before I proceed too far and get stuck with plot holes.

heres issue one laid out, which I am going to completely re draw because im not happy with the finished look.
I'm going to push myself to get better at drawing in hopes of also being able to get to a more efficient work flow that might enable me to get the amount of issues I want done in a less than ridiculous amount of time

[Image: annotation_2020_09_02_184634_by_andrew_g...k8wQQ18xEQ]

and what it ended up as
[Image: annotation_2020_09_02_1846345_by_andrew_...ZRZwjNtcpo]

I made the push to complete one issue but like i said, i think i want to go back over it for the kinda 4th time.. to maybe get it somewhere better looking.

I also got 2nd place in this Proko portrait challenge, so thats cool
won some premium contents from the proko site so will see how that is.
hope the anatomy vids are good cos i want to be better at anatomyyyyy

and Here's a logo for my friends gym business
done in affinity designer. not a bad program
the vector brush is pretty great
[Image: de4eizq-b28fa55d-490e-4e6f-892b-5065579e...ENHtV_5rFI]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
congrats on winning the proko thing! makes me wanna enter a challenge hehe, so much woooooork tho lol, hard to fit it in!

I'll be dming you another piece soon so keep an eye out ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
That logo looks awesome! depending on what it's going to be used for, it could probably do with a simpler version, but i really like the way it looks with the flowing cloth.

For me a logo is all about scaleability or the quality of being easy to ready from far or close.This in general come at the price of simplification of detail and little to no shading.I think if the idea is strenght here in that case the weight above the head of the character would be a much better silhouette read compare to how overlap thing are here. One other idea is to change the pose and remove the dark of the cap and make him dual wield those weight for extra cool factor and it would add even more what this compagny message is all about i think here the cape doesn't have to take so much space.I like the overlap of the figure over the outer black rim it create depth.That all for my critic.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(09-02-2020, 11:11 PM)Fedodika Wrote: congrats on winning the proko thing! makes me wanna enter a challenge hehe, so much woooooork tho lol, hard to fit it in!

I'll be dming you another piece soon so keep an eye out ;)

Thank you!

still a bit of time to get in on the figure drawing proko contest too. I'm hoping to make some time to join in on it.

@JosephCow @darktiste

thanks for the feedback.
logo stuffs definitely not my strong suit. it's for a mates business, he seems pleased with it. It's going on shirts and website so in this case its probably ok not been as simple as something like a nike logo or such.
logo stuff is really challenging, and had I endless time I wouldn't mind grinding to improve at it but I few areas I want to prioritize over it and also took on too many jobs at once. bit more than i could handle but that said.. im handling it
just a bit more stressful place than id like to put myself in.

Here's the 3rd parody I've done of this old painting.
for a commission, tired of doing parodies of this but people like it I guess
overall just tired.
[Image: de4vx8w-6361dde6-51a7-4c98-af93-6934ccb6...i5rPSIQAaY]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
[Image: sep2020_pencils_by_andrew_gibbons_de59yw...cd89hWdW3E]

Bit of pencil and paper stuff
Fist one is a timed 1hour portrait and some figure stuff just trying to get a feel for the materials and join in on the monthly proko challenge. Think I can do much better if I put the time in but pencils were giving me some arm pain and some client work still needs doing. That said, very refreshing to do some pencil stuff again. It's been a while and its a medium I want to invest some time into gaining proficiency in.

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
you're really grasping the volume very well on those last studies ! The only thing would be to really measure your proportions, everything looks slightly off, especially the head which looks way smaller than what it should be ! And congrat for the 2nd place of the proko challenge ! enjoy your prices and improve as hell in anatomy !
(09-18-2020, 04:06 AM)wld.89 Wrote: you're really grasping the volume very well on those last studies ! The only thing would be to really measure your proportions, everything looks slightly off, especially the head which looks way smaller than what it should be ! And congrat for the 2nd place of the proko challenge ! enjoy your prices and improve as hell in anatomy !

Thanks, I just started checking out the premium proko videos which were the prize. Will definitely take away some more anatomical know how from them.

I'm ok with the junky proportions there, but cheers for the feedback  Thumbs_up
I was more just playing with the pencils and seeing what I could get out of different grips and strokes
at some stage i'll buy some good paper so I can do some long form figure rendering where I will invest more care into proportions.. maybe  Rolling eyes, funny thought

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Killing it as always Andrew - really digging seeing your Real Eyes comic progress. Also a massive congratulations for winning 2nd place on the Proko challenge!!
Great updates here, you're constantly improving your technique and your brushwork has improved quite a bit! Really dig your latest as well, very creative image based on the classic painting. Nicely done!

thank you, thank you!

I've been a bit starved for not doing enough personal work the past few months.
have learned some things with recent commission and contract work though, so it has been good.

just a couple more things and I'll be able to put in time for my own projects where I can really direct the skills I'm building and take my time. much looking forward to leveling up.

Have started mentoring a couple of guys that reached out to me.
taking that serious and trying to give them an easier road than I had.

Here's a little design I did recently for a friend
trying to get some comfort using Affinity designer. not a bad adobe illustrator alternative  Thumbs_up

[Image: de61e1e-49050a1f-3b9f-4273-ac07-b65c7cdf...upr3BDTh80]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

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