Yay, Salt bro rocks!

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Wow, all your figures have really great energy! I know it's not easy, but you make it look easy!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hiya, Vertical! Really digging the studies. Seeing these reminds me of how much I really need to push myself harder!

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Tumblr
Nice studies. Keep it up!

This sketchbook is already great! Really glad to see more cartoonist here. Yours have a ton of personality! Can't wait to see more.

You have great diversity with the stuff in your sketchbook, in both subject matter and style.
I like! Also wanted to mention that Seel was just precious :D

Love your stuff man! Great expressions and movement.
Thanks for the comments everybody! I'll get back to you in your sketchbooks

I got back yesterday form a fantastic weekend at bronycon. It was so much fun! And wallking around the artists tables was very inspiring, lots of fan artists in the MLP fandom are extremely creative and prolific, and all very dedicated to improving. I can see now how I've been stagnating and afraid to take risks, now I'm really inspired to jump into making pictures and making mistakes. I want to learn and grow and grow!

Here are some sketches of people from the con
[Image: bFI3SJm.png][Image: 838YneU.png][Image: 7oF6xyE.png]

Oh man, you went to Bronycon?!? I'm so jealous!
I managed to attend Everfree Northwest, but couldn't go to Bronycon due
to the huge expenses of cross continental travel. Living in Norway doesn't
make it easy to meet up with all the nice people you meet over the internets.

Hope you had a great time there, awesome to see some sketches you did over there as well :D

Thank you for all the feedback! I've started going through the links, and they are really helpful. You've studied a lot. No wonder your people all look so lifelike, and no wonder there is so much feel of movement, even in the people standing still.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


/) Raedrob we gotta let each other know if we're going to a con, we can meet up and draw stuff!

Glad they helped Tygerson!

Here's a quick pokemon thing I did today, sketches to come as soon as I feel like scanning em.

[Image: 9138003v3.png]

Guh here's a ton of drawings!! This compromises about half of the recent sketches littering my floor right now, but that other half is all drawings from animation or model sheets that I don't think are worth showing since they're not really my work.

So this week's been odd. Finally drawing more but not really getting anything I want done, usual feelings of hating myself for being a lazy jerk. I also started analyzing a Kubrick movie I got by drawing all the shots and trying to think more about the story, that's been fun and really educational! all the work is quick horrid sketches and writing, so I probably won't be showing that stuff either.
Oh, and I began keeping a binder nearby where I write down elements of design or story I realize I like, It's a nice way to analyze my own tastes, which will hopefully lead to finally having a more solid sense of design XD
blah blah blah on to the drawings!
[Image: rrKZSKZ.jpg][Image: Q6wF0Te.jpg][Image: JROd7ql.jpg][Image: ospDv4T.jpg][Image: L7kndaR.jpg][Image: in4JpyT.jpg][Image: Ed3ULEs.jpg][Image: FYamW2b.jpg][Image: YfM5xTR.jpg][Image: TSewYQR.jpg][Image: 4jGeBH0.jpg][Image: jXcSeyN.jpg][Image: av5OHGn.jpg][Image: p1pRQAS.jpg][Image: e9LTBg3.jpg][Image: 4zRyh11.jpg] last 2 pages were based on some awesome cosplayers.

'Till next update :D

There's so much life and motion in your work,
I'm not sure what to suggest for doing a better job :P
When I look at this I really want to work on my own figures,
as that's obviously where I'm lacking personally!

Thanks for the comment in my sb! Yours is so awesome! I could learn a lot about motion from your work!


I wish i had discovered you SB earlier! because it is crazy good!
Your sketches have so much energy, so much movement.
I love those Yoko sketches, no critiques from me mate, since your drawing technique is way higher than mine. Just keep doing this awesome stuff. :)

Aw shucks, Thank you all for the compliments! Motion and appealing poses are probably what I care most about in art, so I've put a lot of time into studying that. Kinda shot myself in the foot by not having learned anything else to the same level. work work work busy busy busy busy time to study EVERYTHING
I'd better start posting some more challenging and ambitious stuff so I can get some critiques form you fine folks, I'm only playing to my strengths here! can't improve if all I do is what I'm already good at.

Here's today's haul, a master copy (if you're okay with calling Toriyama a master, I sure as heck am) of a Dragonball Cover to study lines, some still life junk, and a wip of Yoko for commission examples on tumblr and DA. doing that lineart is taking much much longer than I'd thought it would! having to take so much time making stuff look not horrible really makes me see how much I still have to learn.
Oh and some shellders. This is not enough to be called a day's work by any respectable standard. Off to bed with my lazy self, gotta make tomorrow better!
[Image: GDOdUB6.jpg][Image: eXIhIxv.jpg][Image: iFfGRQI.jpg][Image: RVtxyn9.jpg][Image: Oik2mCM.jpg]

Sweet sketchdump!

Here's some inspiration to keep you going.

Love the babe with the gun!

Love that you draw so many pokemon, haha.


Thanks guys! She's Yoko from Gurenn Lagann, an anime I highly highly highly recommend everyone check out!

Today's work load is brought to you by the letter oversleeping and not getting nearly enough done!. Did some painting practice and finished the lineart. All done having no idea what I'm doing with lines, on to having no clue what I'm doing with colors.
[Image: tumblr_mri7gl4nGr1rjgrozo1_r1_1280.png]

oh and appreciate the link doublethink! I could spend a week on the articles from that site, so much good info on the basics. aagh.

Attached Files Image(s)

Thanks for the feedback on my figure drawings!
I'm no help there, but I can come with some tips with your last painting.
Your colours are more yellow and colder than the original. If you add more blue and red
to counter act the yellow it will get much more lively.
I think that'll help anyways, I'm by no means an expert on colour.
If you were just going for the form of the leg itself there's not much to say. You did well there =)


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