Tristan's sketchbook
Talking with friends, sketching dumb stuff...

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey Tristan, very nice sketchbook! Your loose stuff/style has an awesome painterly feel and is pretty pretty cool to look at man I'm lovin it! Don't get it how you can be that loose and still give so much information to the viewer.. and of course your rendered paintings are sweet, too. Definitely gonna stick around here, good stuff thanks for sharing!

Hey thanks, man! Good to hear!

Some more figures

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Sketching weird stuff

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Looking Sick! Keep the form rendering smooth. Perhaps look into using clear straight lines for you figures? If you google at Charles Bargue figure drawing, that's what Im talking about. I've spent too much time twittling away with lines trying to capture contour and not emphasizing the whole pose. Great imaginative figures though!
Shouldn't form rendering be relative to the surface you're rendering? haha. Also Bargue was a guy that was really obsessive with accuracy. The things I've recently posted focuses on are methods of construction and proportion, not really producing a super accurate observational drawing. Drawing stuff like Bargue has good benefits but it's not the only method of studying the figure. You can look up a legend like Bridgman to se a completely different approach. I prefer to do my super accurate stuff in my physical sketchbook and from life. Traditional is a slower process and it's easier to really focus on that stuff, should buy a scanner or something..

Oh well. Haven't posted in a day or two. Been reading art books and enjoying my vacation before things pick up with art. Going away to Norway on Wednesday and will be gone for 10 days. Going to the top of the country beyond the polar circle. Gonna spend my time reading and soaking in the beautiful landscape (yes I will post some life studies when I get back). After that I'll be doing the schedule thing and start kicking ass.

some constructive drawings before bed.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Hey man, solid amount of studies, try to push some of the painted ones more. Liking the schedule :) Keep up the good work!

Hey thanks, man! Ye, I really need to get better at adding "finish" on my studies. Will soooo work on that.

Something a little different

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Wow, theres a nice texture to your work. I think you could probably spend some time becoming friends with some soft and lost edges. It would help a lot in my opinion. Great work though! Keep it up :)

Hey thanks man. yes! Spot on with the edges thing. I used to have this thing where my edges where just muddy as hell so I've been overcompensating for that. Need to get a stronger understanding of where to loose edges. I suppose still life painting is a good way to study that.

This mornings' figures. Now I'll go out for a walk and then come back with a portrait study or something.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Trying new things. Feels good <3

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Good job on the light behaviour in these last two, I like how you have gone for two totally different lighting styles in each. The skin colours on the last one look good in terms of variation too, though the edges might be a bit too fragmented around that large shadow area to her right side (the few pixels gap between two shadow blocks on her hip disrupts the total shape, I think?).

It looks like you are paying more attention to following the form with your brushstrokes and building smooth transitions though, from the way your rendered her back, so well done there. Keep pushing those studies, and keep up the good work!

Hey, thanks. Ye I see what you're saying about that space between two light-sources. Need to pay better attention to that.

This morning's anatomy studies. I was mostly reading from my Bridgman book so I didn't do too many drawings, however I learned a bunch.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Quick study, not super accurate.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Great work, love the colors on those studies and the blocky approach of your forms.
I would love to see some of the process of your figure studies.
Keep it up!!

I´m a painter man, and i paint my cock the size that i want!!
-Alberto Mielgo

Hey thanks, man! I've uploaded a short gif of the step by step process. the only fancy technical thing I do is to block in the skin and the dress with 2 blobs with 100% opacity and then apply clipping masks over them to easier mess with tones without worrying about edge control. Clipping masks are super helpful for studies so you can have edge control while blocking in the correct colors and values.

Being a little more painterly today.

[Image: girl-3.gif?w=800]

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Sketching for fun

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Fhtagn! :)


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