Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
Thanks Irish. I dont mean to sound all emo. When you get really into figure drawing and you do it every day I was doing your standards get a lot higher. I only do figure drawing once a week at most now so I've noticed I've gone backwards a bit. All my best figure drawings are from a 6 months to a year ago. Its not a huge deal since skills are easier to get back up once you've attained them the first time. Next year i'll be diving into more intense figure and portrait drawing again.

So heres some stuff i havnt gotten a chance to post. Also I went to the museum.

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That old man traditional painting is looking gud.

Man I wish I could go to a museum and find my ancestors.

I really really reeeeally like those thumbnails from the class you're taking. I can see so much improvement from some not-much-older thumbnails you've done.
Also the old man painting is awesome, is it gouache? I really wanna learn that media someday.

thanks cracked!

Maggie, thanks! Yea it gouache.

heres another gouache and a charcoal.

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Great work as usual, Adam. Glimpses of greatness right here. Grin

Really awesome shots of the museum stuff too (You allowed to take pictures? Haha, you rebel)

Keep working hard!


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Lol! How'd you like the museum trip?

meat, its was great! I didnt realize they had a Bouguereau and a Sargent. They're freaking MASSIVE paintings too. I had to stand in front of them and hold my phone as high as I could reach to get a close up shots of the faces.

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Damn, getting better and better! The value thumbnails you did for your EDR mentorship are looking great! The base colors are looking nice as well! Can't wait to see it finished :P

You are your only limits!

Hi. So, yea Im back to post stuff now. I drew some stuff. mostly doodles. Heres a little bit.

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Nice studies! Really like your rocks environments.

Where you been at man? Still wanting to see that enviro finished haha :)

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Great work Adam! Only comment is to be more daring with your dark accents. Keep it up!
Thanks Brushnoir! Amit, its coming eventually heh. Dodeqaa, thanks Ill try to stop being such a pussy :P

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still have no idea what im doing

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Hey, I recently found that focusing on one aspect in my studies is very beneficial and I'm giving this piece of advice to pretty much everyone. By doing everything at once you don't see much progress quickly and your brain doesn't have enough time to digest information and get into the right flow. So maybe it would be better if you picked one thing, studied the crap out of it for a few days then move to something else.

Adam it's for Environment design rocks, right? I like the night scene idea. I haven't finished my project, too, but I'm going to do it. Perhaps after the next Crucible.
Piotr seems to be a great advice, I'll try it out, too. I actually like diving deep into stuff but make myself multitask because I've got so much to learn.

Thanks for the advice guys. I focusing on painting and color since I dont really do much of it. I did some color studies from photos I took at the museum a while back.

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I got a cintiq but need to get a new hard drive before I can get it actually set up. So heres some trad. The last ones studies from the Tactics Ogre book.

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Ooh Cintiq huh? that's sound niiice! I recently bought a surface 3 but I'm currently waiting for my pen to arrive so I can start drawing on it.
Those studies are looking nice btw. Master studies are just gold, they've really helped me improve a lot.
and also ink orc <3
How've you been, Adam? You got a Cintiq? :D I like your traditional character sketches in the last post a lot - especially the brush pen ones!


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