Scuse me while I kiss the sky!
Hi Guys!

I Have been putting off doing a sketchbook for ages but today that stops and i get in gear and crank out some studies and improve as an "artist". I'm 22 and love every thing to do with Art especially Classical art.
My Goal is to improve on every aspect i can starting with the fundamentals. I already tried Istebraks 14 day challenge and in just 5 days i was seeing insane improvements so I know i can do it.

I think i will start off with the figure and really try to get that down. I have Michael Hamptons book here so I'm gonna use that as my bible from now on.

For my first post i'll just add some stuff i have done a few days/few months ago just so you can get an idea were i am at the moment.

I usually use a pencil but i have a tablet and really want to start doing paintings in Photoshop.

Sooooooo thats me Wisecracker

I Know i can keep this up! I look forward to getting any advice from you guys :D


Edit: I have no idea how to scale the images so if anyone can pm me how that would be amazing Blushing


[Image: Gesture_zps9e81b886.jpg][Image: Sketches_zps0ec2f121.jpg][Image: img024_zps18deda4e.jpg][Image: irishWhiskeyFigures3_zps80382b19.jpg][Image: eyeday1_zps69729fe2.jpg][Image: frenchman_zps23d216da.jpg][Image: skull_zpscfb508f6.jpg]

Today I decided to make a start at Michael Hampton book. I Have already looked through it before but now i'm going to really study it front to back.

As soon as i get my tablet back i will start posting paintings (Hopefully by Thursday).

[Image: Hamptonstudies1_zps376d27bf.jpg]

These are just from Imagination but i kind of want to upload everything to see if i am progressing.[Image: sketches1_zps17fedea3.jpg]

Hi! Nice start here, I would also suggest to try a Loomis's books and nail down some fundamentals about human figure. You doing a fine job, but there is a serious problem with proportions there. Its easy to get used to it, and hard to slip it out of your head later. Keep up the good work.

@Caisne Thanks For stopping by :) I agree 100%, i need to get the fundamentals down on the figure. I have Michael hamptons book and Loomis's books so i'll have to really study them and get the proportions right.

Today I started with some 2 minute gesture drawings. The biggest problem I have with these as the moment is that I'm putting down un-confident lines and the proportions are just blahhh. Meh

I took Caisne's advise and started with proportions of the figure.

I need to get more done everyday but its like I'm too afraid to make a bad drawing that I just close my sketchbook and do anything else but draw. its a very bad habit I need to lose quick!
[Image: img036_zps4e089a76.jpg][Image: Gesture2_zps1ee1f047.jpg]

Today i decided to try my hand at still life to see how i am at value. turns out I'm very bad :( It seems very blurry to me and my form is all over the place.

So to add to the list of things to work on, Form and value are right up there.

Then i did two small master composition studies (again very blurry but i think that's just the brushes i use :P) and ten 2 minute gesture drawings.[Image: stilllife1_zps881088ab.jpg][Image: mastercompstudys_zps82012b3d.jpg][Image: Guesture1_zps73dcd56e.jpg]

With that value study I would say you should definitely go stronger with your darks. Try to go a bit stronger with the lighter areas too. That will help it look a bit more three-dimensional.

@StardustLarva Thank you for the Comment :D yeah i agree, i'll try to add stronger lights and darks in my next value study.

I wish i got more done today but i had to go to the doctor after work with a chest pain that hurts like hell (apparently stress).
Just quick skull studies and an application doodle thingy that i may or may not finish......oh the suspense Stupid[Image: skulls1_zpsdfd68717.jpg][Image: sketch1_zps0551a632.jpg]

Just some Studies from Hampton's book and the some application using pixelovely to help me remember.
I'm loving that center of gravity line by the way. In love[Image: figuredrawingstudy1_zpsaa169632.jpg][Image: guesturedrawing1_zpsa8015fb5.jpg]

Great studies, and nice to see so much hard work going into improvement. Smile Keep it up!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Aw man! Be carefull with those pains, chest pain in your age? That souns serious! Don't foget to take care of your body, go do some sports sometimes, you from the future, the one who is art badass will thank you for avoiding all joints and back pain :D

@Bookend Thanks alot Bookend :D Great to see you doing the same.

@Madzia I know, I'll try to get out more but its hard when you work in an office and then come home and study art. it seems im always sitting down which is extremely bad for me. i went to the gym today so im not completely a recluse haha
I love your sketchbook by the way! In love

Sooo today, just some more study and a little application. again i wish i was doing more but i guess this is 100% more than i did before so if you look at it that way i'm a machine haha[Image: figuredrawingstudy2_zps5811f4b4.jpg][Image: guesturedrawing2_zps30bff504.jpg]

Even if you're not doing as much as you might like, you're always doing something everyday, and that's the important thing. You may not think you're improving, but you are, because you're studying the right things, and, from what I can see-- Having fun doing it! As long as you're applying fun and interest to every study you do, you're going to go far. And maybe you'll work in an office where you'll be doing drawings someday. Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@Bookend Thank you so much for the reassurance. I really do appreciate it :)

Again some Hampton studies and a face from imagination. My faces always look like aliens so i think it might be the big eyes.[Image: figuredrawingstudy3_zps30be2b8d.jpg][Image: Face1_zpse91b024c.jpg]

Very busy at the moment with the holidays and all so I just got this quick wip for today.
I'm still trying to get used to Photoshop, but so far i am having a blast Bomb[Image: portraitstudy_zps33275e5e.jpg]

Just do what you can, man, and keep at it! Your work can only get better. 088


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@Bookend Thank you Thumbs_up

Ok so The holidays got the best of me! between my friends birthdays and just meeting my friends for one or two pints (always ends up being an all nighter) iv not practiced at all. so tonight i decided to stay in and get something done.

first i studied landmarks from Hamptons book and then tried to get more of this portrait done from imagination. It looks like i need to practice my ass off if i want to get anywhere!

Im going to make 2015 the year i rise through the ashes and become a competent artist Wisecracker

P.s Happy new year Guys and Gals Party[Image: figurestudy1_zps600afe3b.jpg][Image: portraitstudy2_zps055a316e.jpg]

that last anatomy study is awesome .. keep it up :)
Nice anatomy studies Irish, and the wip portrait of the girl is looking good, only thing is her hairline may be a little high.
Keep up the hard work.
Keep up that anatomy fundamentals man! It'll pay of

@art44 Cheers :D

@lillysparks Thank you! your right, if i go back to that picture ill correct the hairline.

@Caisne I will. im starting to enjoy them now too Rolling eyes, funny thought

So today i continued through Michael Hampton's book. This is just applying the landmarks i learned the last day.
I then tried a movie study. This was quick but i had fun doing it.
Great movie too![Image: Banestudy_zps0b26f738.jpg][Image: img041_zpsa7db83c6.jpg]


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