Jones Sketchbook
Cool to see you back in action man. Quick tip on your graphite though, for the background you either need to go a clean jet black, or shade in one direction. It makes a huge difference, don't just rush that shit! I know how it feels to know in your mind when some big space needs to be filled so you just execute as fast as you can, but take that time to slowly shade it in. Give it a shot!

Thanks for the advice guys!

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Need to start doing a portrait study a day perhaps, had a shit ton of problems on this one.

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I don't see a shit load.. the space between her eyes and eyebrows seems a bit large IMO, but obviously it depends on the ref. pic as well..

Inspiring anatomy and colors bruh! Are those hands from Loomis?

Thanks guys, and I think the hands your referring to are a mix of loomis and bridgeman rmd.

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Hour of 90 second gestures using quickposes (got to keep these up!) a mini crayon doodle I kind of like. lots of fun to try drawing with different stuff/on different things. and some color studies, already feel like I've learned a good bit. After checking my colors on the portrait I realized my values were pretty off and colors way too saturated. Pretty shit overall with proportions too lol. Got to do more!

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Nice sense of form. You should do some master studies every once in a while. Keep postin'.

studies and sketch stuff, more 90 second gestures - having a lot of fun, a good way to start the day with an hour of them in the morning. Super loose club weilding dude sketch is a left hand, my right wrist has been in a bit of pain lately, trying to give it a bit of rest.

Also two pictures of my workspace/room...I pretty much sleep/live in an office now.

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good improvement jones! i think a good way to work on your heads is to not make them so round; instead make them more boxy, as far as male faces go; they are still eerie and strange though, it'd be cool to see where you could take them without the critique. soooooo don't take my advice? lawl

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thanks Fedodika, I've gotta get back to studying bridgemans method of constructing from a cube , should help with the roundness.

Mostly been doing traditional stuff, trying to improve drawing abilities. Inspired by old masters and design/history a lot more then current artists lately. Need to get on a better track, motivation (for everything) has been a big issue though.

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Good job with the portraits in pencil in the post before last. Theres no reference so I cant tell if you got the likenesses down but they look good structurally. And keep it up with the figure drawings. Watch out though, your figures are leaning slightly toward the 9 head proportions. I find using a line of action helps to define the length of the whole body and make it easier to keep the head/body ratio closer to 8 heads. Also try drawing figures from imagination as well because it really make your bad habits pop out more when you have no reference. Then its easier to focus on correcting your natural tendencies.

Wow it's been awhile. Haven't done much digital as of late, getting back to it now. Too lazy to take pics of all the traditional painting and drawing I've been doing, but perhaps someday. Here's a few from my instagram though.

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cooooooooome baaaaaack!!!

[Image: d8EOp.gif]

Damn it's been awhile, You've encouraged me to update this though :)

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The figures look great! If you want to do more of those fencing studies I've been having fun finding videos on youtube of fencing and slowing down the speed to find poses to pause at. Theres something called HEMA that Im not sure what it stands for but its guys that use historical fighting techniques. They use longswords, shields, spears and various other old weapons. Anyways, they're got some cool sparing videos to draw from. Also, very nice micro penis on that cat :D

Nice juicy update. Those brush strokes are magic. Also that face next to the dog.. lol. Not sure if it is a just began drawing or what, but it looks like the forever alone version of the puppy..

Thanks guys, I'll check out that HEMA youtube page, sounds awesome.

Few studies and a sketch, got a small personal project in the works.

It's weird, I used to be on here daily, posted often. feel like a complete stranger now D: Not sure If I'll be able to get back on here like I was before. Seem to have fallen off the community wagon but began riding my own very personal one...if that makes any sense.

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Nice drawings/paintings, I especially like the drawings of the woman!
Your getting a good sense of values keep it up!

Thanks Sir-lex

Some new studies and stuff

Leg studies where while on livestream, recordings below if your interested

part 1 -

part 2 -

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