smrrfette's Odyssey
You can do it!!!! Looking forward to those figure studies *0*
Liking your chow so far, the car has nice perspective!
Keep going!
VoodooMama - Thank youuuuuu Voodoooooo for the pushing up this hill :D will do!

ramalooke - HAHA ohhhh ramalooke <3 thanks for dropping by you sneaky ninja! 

crackedskull - 
You're not wrong cracked, you're not wrong :) ta and will do!

Fedodika -  YES MANY FAILS! Oooooooooh, yeah true Mr. Fedodoxiiiideeeelkoalaaaa <3 though drawin' also helps :D maybe a combination of the two. I do know for a fact I need to _paint_ more from imagination. Because this CHOW wrecked me lol. Eugh. Thanks for the advice and poppin' in bby xx 

Incominggggggggg ;_________________; 

So much to learn <3
I love this feeling, I feel like I have direction again.

Proportion studies - gonna nail proportion, move onto structure + muscles, then dynamism

Applying (terribly)

Finished the CHOW ;_; not happy with the character. I need to paint more figures from imagination ... and do more photo studies & SP's and still life studies

Though I am kinda happy where I took the pose -
From this

To this:

Went back and fixed it after some proportion studies. Hnnnnnnnnnnnng, studies + applying = amazing


Final. Felt her vehicle = almost as important as the character. For it makes her who she is.

I kinda stuffed up with my way about painting this - I made clipping masks and e'erything. But I didn't end up using them -_-
I'm so s2pid.
Here's to learning *clink*!

Anyways, I would've spent more time on making the figure look decent, but I have to move on. Lots a goals I want checked off by today and besides, SchooooooooooOOolism starts at 2PM O:

In other news, gonna be setting up my new standing desk!

Gonna be well worth my non-art job monies :D I'm tired of sitting :D

Let's DO IT! for Lord Shia, Daggers o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
DAAAAAAANG SMRRFEETE!!! Those figures and lines are very nice! proportions look about right on most if not all of them... you probably know the ones that dont hehe; the pose for the car girl is very gud. I'd encourage you to not even bother with clipping masks, boring old squares like that matt korg guy use those he gets on my nerves...

Look just use a new layer, drop in the color, get the tight egde with an eraser if you have do, drop it down and just focus on being neat. I try to think how i would do it if i were like a traditional painter and try not to rely on digital tools too much. They can really become a crutch, like transform and color balance, layer effects.. man i bet everyone would get so much better if we just tried to tough it out and paint that stuff out manually. But im guilty too! Couldn't live without me lasso... or u xx

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Nice, that chow turned out nice- The colors flow together pretty nice. Good job with the figures too, especially the hands and feet, I usually just draw blocks for those haha. Have fun with Schoolism :)

those anatomy studies are cool dude!!!! Thumbs_up Thumbs_up

A small crit about the car, since you rendered the car as if it has a reflective surface that means it must reflect the light source almost like a curved mirror the only time reflections get blurry or not visible its when they are at 90degree angle to the viewer (check out the fresnel effect its quite fascinating). Keep up the good work!

Your lines and depiction of character are awesome: you show crazy confidence in your work despite what you say (actions speak louder than words, bby girl) be proud of what you arrrrrrrrrrrrrreeteteteidjwiaple good at. All I see is a unique style evolving. As long as you're TRYING to get it accurate, fuck GETTING it accurate. The striving to improve shindig, Nomsayin

Look at potuyn's art, zedig, shichigoro...very good, but by no means delivers on a realistic note 1:1... Sheeeit you know you know

...and ya know, if you had an experience bar and a chime that goes off every time it fills, you wouldn't be so "meh", me thinks. It's definitely a psychological game. As long as you're continuing that battle, you're winning. Have fun have fun have fun.

Huh, try tracing drawings/photos of heads to help draw your heads in a realistic style, fix your "problem". Tracing shows your hands where lines, shapes and forms begin/end. I don't think it's a brain thing but a muscle-memory thing, cuz you're foundations in your head or solid, more or less. (a while back, you did a master study of a bby girl sitting on a... rock? I forget which page, it just come to mind, but anyways, they proportions were an accurate rendition of the original, heads n all haha)

Idk, sorry for the unsolicited advice. momma Jak: the biggest hypocrite and dick (small dick) on the forums.

Sketchbook 1   -    Sketchbook 2   -   Tumblr
Oh, and Jesus christ smirnoff... Great work on the CHow. That was fast as hell. Quality and speed for the winnnnnnugh! Pushing past the comfort zone and fucking with some vehicles. Goddamn: attaboy :D

Sketchbook 1   -    Sketchbook 2   -   Tumblr
Thank you all a bunch for dropping on by <3 <3  In love In love !

Jaktraytr  Aaaaaayyyyyy, mumma Jak! Thank you very, very much <3 your words resonated with me. Thank. You! Seriously
(   ;  3 ; )/

Hobitt - 
Haha yeaaaaaaaaaaah, I didn't spend a lot of time of the car at all, nor bother with accuracy xD. Thanks for the tip though, cheers, Hobitt!

kaji02 - Hey thanks Kaji! Gotta get on your level :D!

JJ Aaron - 
Hahaha don't we all? Thanks Jonas <: I sure will ^ ^

Fedodika - Hahahahahahaa Fedoooooodikoalaaaxide. I did what you suggested today and just painted - no drawing, no nothing. Just paint and my noggin'. Gotta say, I learned a ton too o.o so thank you kindly <3 <3



My to do list kinda went 85% out the window today because I worked on this all day ;________;

I both _need_ and definitely _want_ to learn how to paint skin... 

So I did this from imagination :/ I'm kinda annoyed because this turned out better than the fahking CHOW chick and it took less time and mmmm...

I learned a ton, not gonna lie. 

Anyway. I plan to do painting studies. Photos? Maybe SP's? Still life studies? We'll see, maybe all - and apply what I learned from said study with a sketch like this (hopefully get faster too -_-). because I have no more time to be a complete pussy like I have been in the past. 

I have goals meng.

Alright, 'til next time, let's do this daggers! 

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Skin's tough but its SOO FUN!!! just get a study goin and spends looots of time on it!! make sure its agood pic with lots of midtones and high res!!! <3 <3 <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - Hahaha yeeeeeeah, I've gotta do more studies to paint me some good skin ^_^ not gonna lie, it is a lot of fun! cheers fedodikoaaaalaaxide <3

Wussy update!

A bloop, a bloop wip and a study from life

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
How you can call any of these a fail is beyond me! These are incredible!! I love the car one, I really hope you keep going on that. :D And the humor is something I can't get enough of! Keep it up!!!

(02-06-2013, 12:15 AM)s-mrr Wrote: Feels like ages since I've posted in the Daggers D: but I've still been working my butt off!

1 day ago: I was able to do a bit of Bridgman arm studies this morning -

today: Did my loosen-up circles as usual before I cracked down on some gesture study (it has been over 3 days since I last did some life studyin' D:)

Started with 30secs, moved on to 1min ea, then did some 2min ones -- although I didn't really know what to do with my extra time with these ones... what am I s'posed to do with an extra minute? Now that I've gotten used to trying to complete the gesture between 30-1min -- 2minutes felt weird... like I was either finishing too quick and not knowing what to do with the extra time... or taking too much time :/ I dunno.)

then did some animal gesture studies from 30sec to 1min to 5mins

I did like one fabric study of a cowl/hood/scarf and some silk - took around 2-5 mins a pop... I could have done so much more, ugh.
So afterward I tried applying what I learnt from recent studies - drew a couple of figures wearing a cowl (because I've always sucked butt at drawing people wearing a hoodie etc) -- tried to pose some up ~ tomorrow: proportion studies here we come! (+ hands, muscles, head studies )
They were pretty rushed figures - around 5-10mins ea. ~

Awesome SB. Thanks for visiting mine. Keep up the good stuff. :)

Damn that car looks awesome, like what you did with the little bits of pink on it, really brings the whole thing together. Also you doing schoolism classes now? can't wait until they release the subscription feature.

Keep up the awesome work.

These last two characters are nice (the bloop and the girl)
Actually the proportions of the girl are great! keep on fighting!!
looking forward to the painting studies.
Woah, your anatomy studies are pretty tight and the painting of the girl with the car is pretty amazing.
Im curios, what schoolism class are you taking? :)

Hahah girl, those figures with words in perspective would be a great series!
Loving it <3

All dem tasty figures... MHHHHGHHHHHH <3

Damn dude! That level up is awesome!

Looks like you know what to practice already. Looking forward to seeing more! :)

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Hey hey thanks for stopping by!

Your character for the CHOW was great too! First time I join a CHOW and I liked. Count on me for the next ones. Really want to practice more ;)


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