Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
WOW! Just scrolled thru your sketchbook. Really like your work! Keep up the good work!
@iJeffrey: Thanks very much!

More faces. Male this time and more artbook studies. Today I got the "Art of Star Wars The Force Awakens"! Extremly cool artbook. One of the best concept art books I own. It really humbles you, looking at the incredible art designs and concepts, but it also creates that hunger to grab a pen and draw! Can´t wait to do studies here!

Not too happy with my imaginary sketches this time. They are too rushed as I got disturbed a lot today. Poses are stiff, rendering me not like. From the artbook sketches I learned a lot. Perspective in them is not spot on, but I noticed, I do too little interior environments. Got a better grip on this from  these few studies alone.

Yesterday imaginary sketches were really awful. This happens when you don´t draw concentrated, are forced to do something else and draw at the same time and try to finish an already failed drawing. It throws you back into old habits. Bad bad thing! Todays sketch is much more focussed and better. Not perfect, but a start

More sketching and artbook studies,this time also from Starwars The Force Awakens artbook

And the new bunch of drawings and studies:

Sketches, studies and a quick color sketch for my next commission painting

More sketches and studies while working on my next commission:

Wow, so much epicness, your sketchbook are stuff of the legends, thank you for sharing with us, great inspiration!
(02-03-2016, 12:48 PM)ThatDudeIsaGhost Wrote: Wow, so much epicness, your sketchbook are stuff of the legends, thank you for sharing with us, great inspiration!

Here is the finished illustration of the wraith commission.

Sketching and some studies of Iain McCaigs pencil drawings. I love his way of shading and his line quality!

More sketches...

I love your pencil sketches, as always. Waiting to see more!

I was wondering; Do you have any tips on different faces/facial features? I have always the feeling that mine look kind of the same.

@Eyliana: Thanks! Regarding your question, the answer is not so easy. When drawing from imagination, faces tend to look kind of same-ish. I know that from my stuff and I see it in really great artists where I know that they don´t use reference a lot. (I even know an artist where I could swear,that all her female characters look kind of like herself) I think we tend to develop some kind of standard face that we draw over and over again in variations.
To gain more variety, you could try to lightly draw a face as you would do normally and then start playing around with the features. Erase the eyes,  make them bigger or smaller, further apart than usual. Next the nose, vary the length, broadth etc. In the end it will still look like one of your faces, but it will be a bit different.
If you really want total variety and completely different looks, you have to take reference. You don´t have to blindly copy it, just use it as a starting point. It also helps to get a certain character type across. E.g.: you draw a tough female character who is also sexy. Think of a celebrity or person that you would asociate with those traits. Here it could be Angelina Jolie from Tombraider. Look up reference photos and start drawing, but just use the essence of her face. She has a very square jaw, big lips, tiny nose. Try to just capture the "traits" of her features, don´t copy them 100%. In the end and with a little practice, she will kind of look similar to her, but different enough to be a character of her own. If you get that "vibe" across, people will associate your characters look with the tough and sexy traits.
As I said, not an easy subject, I hope you understand what I mean and it was of some help :)

Some more sketches and studies.Bargue this time for a change to practice rendering with pencil more

Impressive amount of traditional drawing, a rare sight these days. Keep up the good work!

@Hobitt: Thanks! Strangely that is true. Most of my finished work is digital, but nothing beats a good pencil drawing :)

Some more Bargue drawing, sketches and practice

Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit man!!

Your pencil sketches are blowing my mind since last time I popped in here
holy holy holy shit

just yeah


Gonna go study lmfao


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow, love your last painting, it just pops! Can't wait to see more like it.
Wow, your drawings are awesome! Keep up the good work. :)

@smrr, Riprap & desirulz123: Thanks to you all!

Some somewhat meh sketches for today:


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