Vandalls Sketchbook
Jonesoda-I love painting knights but im already pretty good at it so I need to focus on what im weak at D:

Johnscj - Thanks mate! Im not sure if its correct to the model ill have to check. In regards to the priest, totally, part of why I started studying hands more because even while I painted it I disliked that.

So! DOODLES. Drew some things from Photos, like Chloe Mortestztsz, One eyed lady. And My daughter and I at last years convention. Can you tell I had trouble with my face? I cant draw myself very well. And a small picture in which I experimented with water.

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Nice studies goin on in this sketchbook! If I can offer a couple crits for that last painting I think there might be a few more reflections from the yellow light on the ground since there would be lots of puddles around on the ground from the rain. Also, I think it would be cool to add some more falling yellow rain drops right around the rims of the light sources, since the light would be hitting the rain closest to it. I did a crappy little sketch of it to show what I mean, hope these points are useful to you in some way. Keep up the hard work, I like the direction your work is taking!
[Image: 6o8rTT0.jpg]

Pnate- Gave it a shot but id already rendered it down and honestly deleted the PSD ass I do with some personal projects of mine to distance my attachment to my work.


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While I love the idea I think i may entirely redo the picture.

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Nice Sketchbook man, like the tattoo lady on the first page.
Have to agree with you on the dragon picture think you should redo it.
If you decide to continue with it though I think you should put his claws at his side like he's laying down (atm he looks like a floating head XD) and putting a few more objects next to the girl maybe bringing them more to the foreground I think it might even out the composition a bit, although it might just end up making the image look cluttered.

I like the idea of that friendly dragon. The tongue is really fat for the mouth


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So, small update for those that read my sketchbook. It seems my warrenty on my tablet has run out and I am in... really no position to purchase anything, let alone a tablet. So.. There wont be anything for awhile it seems.

Wow, the tarot lady has such a mystical gleam to her!

Sorry about the tablet. Hope you've been able to get another! Hang in there--have you gone to pencil?

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Hey all! Long time no post but things got real bad here for alittle while and things were less about drawing and improving and rather about survival. But Im back in the game, and heres what I've been doing of late, I know I really really need to do some more enviro studies.

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And here we have a character I'm working on for a narrative with some friends, going to be a few characters from this actually. I'm pretty happy with it, my only real problem I'm finding is I'm painting at a "large" resolution and when I shrink I find theres some image decay? like things are too sharp?

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Some gesture work that turned out to be admittedly super fun, even though im painfully slow at it. I'm very aware of the wonky perspective of the front of the bike and I'm going to fiddle with it more and more since thats one of my weakest points.

Still havent figured out how to reduce resolution without huge loss of quality.

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More gestures.

An attempt of to see what I could accomplish just freeflowing a picture in a small amount of time, zombie gambler?

I also recently got myself every copy of Heavy Metal Magazine from 1977 onwards, some of the designs are wicked so LizardAligatorWarrior.

Still havent figured out how to reduce resolution without huge loss of quality.

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Have to enter a message

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Hey guys, more work on the Lizard man from Heavy Metal. More gestures and I really think I'm getting the hang of them actually. Bloody hell theyre fun once you understand how. And a very very weak quick landscape but if I'm going to do enviros I got to start.

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Ive spent so much time noodling this shit and its just, not. Im posting it if only to remind myself I need more of better.

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Wooo finally decided on a design for PRINCESS GODDAMN LILY. Well sort of Input would be grand.

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If any one can suggest any alterations which would help more please feel free.

Nudes: May end up semi nude, going to attempt to do more then one a night but if the first ends up being strangely difficult then one is acceptable if dissapointing. With Color nudes primary focus will be on capturing the coloring, then secondarily will be values. BW Nudes, focus on Values then construction.

Enviros: Very much the same as Nudes, color Enviros focused on color, and color reflections. BW enviros focusing on Values and construction.

Portrait Study: Focus on capturing likeness and study construction, secondary focus on lighting.

Dynamic Study: Focus on Capturing Movement and values.

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First day of the reworked schedule, kinda worked well, may have given myself too much personal time, not sure, going to see how well it goes later on

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