smrrfette's Odyssey
kikindaface - thank you kikindaface! Will do!

Fedodika - haha, they need to get better sir D: ! but thanks beautiful!

Eraiasu - thank yooooooooooouuu Eraiasu! ^ ^'

Virid Rain - wahah, thank you! Indeed, ref boards are fun, albeit a little distracting - my first time using refs in a piece actually :3

Samszym - :o lies, Sam! You're the master of hard work! Haha but thank you! Indeeeeeed, me too! Hehe, Danger Squad is my no. 1 priority right now :D and it's a great motivator having a partner

Alrighty, I finally finished objective 1 in Danger Squad (DS) --! :
(& only 2 days late LOL)

I said I wanted to give it 100% and I did, although if I wasn't already overdue with the time Mannyhaatz and I assigned ourselves to complete our first mission, I would have definitely touched it up s'more. But hey, it's the most complete (imaginary) piece I've done since beginning my art journey and for that, I can't help but smile.

Higher res over here:

Steps here:

and the other couple o' studies I did before I began painting:

and now... I will sail into the moonlight
goog night daggers <3
wth i dont even-..

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That's awesome. Really like the design and light. Kind of wintery-overcast feeling. Nice!
Isn't the right leg a bit wrong? Maybe pointing the feet to the right would easier and gave a better gesture design? Also... isn't the right arm too long?
Overall It's really nice. Quite realistic, belivable and uncommon. Great haircut that adds her a lot of fight-appeal. I really love the fact that you didn't do a cliche female character which is almost naked and have a huge boobs flashing at you. I know it's quite strange to hear such stuff for a guy, but... man, doing every female character this way is just disgusting. You kind of worked it around to make character appealing without going this way. Nice!

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
smrrfette that's an awesome painting! Great design, and I'm with kerm, girls dont have to be scantily clad all the time, but can still look good int he right costume. I also liked the her pose a lot, very natural (even though she is still). On a side note, I really like the guy saying "say that again"(feels like him and the girl belong to the same universe, maybe?) Keep it up, studies are showing and you are improving a lot!

Your latest character designs are really promising.
congrats !!!
You are spreading you're studies out well, including drapery, anatomy...everything.
Keep grinding those skills and challenging yourself, all the very best smrrfette!
I saw this oni DA! I love how much you've progressed! This last work looks amazing!

I see it started as a fur study. This tutorial Was extremely useful for me, I hope it helps you too.

Great improvement, this is totally my go to thread for exemplifying how much progress can be achieved through dedication - great work!

kerm - hey thanks kerm <3 Hahaha maybe lol I don't even know anymore. One of her characteristics was 8ft tall and I was like, k cool - but... I seriously didn't plan that last piece well... :3 so ya, anatomy sucks haha. Will try harder this time! And haha yeah I think that kind of design is just apart of me, you know - being a chic and all :P over-sexualisation is bizarre. I like subtlety. Anyways, thanks again man!

TonariNoPunpun - aw shucks, <: thanks Tonari! Haha yesssss! I'd like to think they'd be hanging around in the same world - that'd be pretty schweet!

constructicon - hey thanks man! :D haha yeah, I've gotta study and think a bit more at this very moment though~ thanks for dropping by!

Rognoll - hey man, hehe thaaaaaaank youuuuuu for all the support Rognoll! Nice to hear I'm improving at leeeeast a little bit :) just knowing people see I've improved a tiny bit boosts my motivation by tenfold! And wow, hot damn! Amazing tutorial, thanks for the link <3

michaeldoig - whoa! Hey Michael! :D long time no see! Thanks for dropping by and with such kind, kind words! Kicking me back into the right gear!

Jackal - Wow thanks you! Amazing that you can see some sort of improvement! So yeah, thank you! :D and yes, I shall keep going and going and going! COME AT ME FEARS O:

Alright, I have a couple of things done here and there while coming up with a solid idea for objective 2 for DANGER SQUAD.

Couple of quick mornin' sketches...

and this sketchy with a little tip regarding colour on my blooog, where I'll post any interesting findings, observations about studies, notes and anything art related :D . Definitely a wip site; but hey, if I can help someone out there... in any way at all... that's awesome!

Okay. These sketchbook pages. Shiiiiit.

I can't draw.
Like, seriously. It's killing me. I know I can do better... I know I can. Definitely going to put more thought into my sketchbook pages from here on - but minus the stiffness pls.

And a couple of rough ideas for the 2nd project of DS.

Alright lady, get focussed.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Damn! You're getting stronger. I digg that brushstrokes <3 Try to watch your values. They're getting to dark here and there ;) Side of that great stuff!

Nice updates smrr. Your digital stuff with the loose brush strokes is very cool and fluid. But then you get to your sketchbook and the pencil strokes themselves are nice but they feel stiff. Normally its the other way around D: have your tried holding the pencil sideways across your hand instead of how you would write? Might help, might not xP Also try placing it on a tilt (this helps me, makes me feel less like I'm studying like in school) Hope this helps :) But keep plotting along

ramalooke - thanks man <3 haha yeah I agree with the value crit haha :3

Jaik - couldn't agree more! And it's a shame because I still prefer working in pencils as opposed to digital :| thanks for the feedback Jaaaaik! I will totally experiment and stuffs because what I'm doing down now... ain't working o_o

Don't have much to show just yet, just been researching, reading and other stuffs (instead of fully committing to objective 2 °Δ°)

Anyways, some studies for objective le deux, and two wips - one not for DS

final thumbs for objective 2:

Finally got my idea out-(ish). A wip:

basic hand studies, roughly 20-30mins (I'm always too scared to start painting hands, so I did these to punch that fear in the face)

Head painting study for le objective - got what I wanted out of the study and then got the hell outta there! :

And a wip thing (THAT I WILL FINISH... after objective 2... and xmas prezzies I'm making for friends :3)

Still gotta pick it up. Couple o' material studies and I begin painting that sexual-moth-chic-thing tomorrrrrrowwww!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

ps i lub u <3
Hey smrrfette! I think your edges and brushstrokes really improve. Good job on those. Maybe watch the softbrush though. About your sketchbook post (#348), I have the same feeling. I try to schedule one houre of just sketching and doodleing a day to step back from constructions, studies and this kinda stuff in order to get better at simple sketching and creative thinking. I guess its just this draw, draw, draw thing everybody talks about! Hows your arm?

Head & the hand study rocks :)

Is it Jason Borne's head?

Holy shit.... that's Matt Damon there!
Thx for dropping, it's always nice to hear from you. :)
Anyway, your brushwork is just... I don't know even what to say, so forceful, dynamic and yet quite clean when you want to. What's more, those strokes read nicely although being loose.

When it comes to xmas prezzies:

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
I am in owe of your progression from the beginning of your sketchbook. (it' not even a year, right?) keep it up!

Dang Smrrf, danger squad character 1 is a badass! and that head study looks good as hell. Really damned nice improvements!

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sweet hand studies! that recent face study is really awesome too!

noticeable improvement :D
Hey there!

Fantastic progress, and daunting amount of stuff! again : love your soft vs hard edges!

Now reveal your secret to me, how do you do it ??

great stuff.

Good work! That head study is pretty wicked

the two WIP's look quite promising, and I actually quite like the sketchbook pages :D, keep it up!

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"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"

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