Еxactly MY skeтchbooк


some more figures and my thoughts about chow...

update of my chow entry and some lame figures from head)

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Foot fetish and daily figures from "New master academy" drawing session video

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Daily figures, from imagination today and some hands.

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Wow dude! Awesome improvement in line quality and figure work!! These last figures from imagination are coming along real nicely! You're working hard and it's paying off for real.

My two cents: keep in mind when drawing boobs, that they're attached to the pectoralis muscle, which means the upper part of the chest will always have some muscle space between the clavicle and the boob, no matter the gravity, unless the girl is specifically lifting her tits they'll never go above that space. As a suggestion you should maybe try out basic shading ( core shadow and 1 midtone for the shadow) to start seeing how you'll combine form understanding with light interaction. Not really necessary to do it all the time, but every now and then it will help you, otherwise you might run into some issues when the time comes to paint figures.

Really impressed with the effort and the results man, keep it up, you're leveling up, that's for certain.

Suira, thank you for feedback it realy helps, inspire to push this studies even more.
I did not notice that I have problems with boobs drawing ) But ye, I tend to draw them a little bit to high. I should visit kindgirls.com and use some photos from there for my daily figure practice) Also will try this basic shading exercise.

Aaaand here todays daily figures all refs from new masters academy youtube chanal: https://www.youtube.com/user/NewMastersAcademy/videos

Tryed to make quick silhouette figures, saw something similar in last level up session with Jama Jurabaev and gave it a try)

Here figures outline study of kindgirls(.com) and figure painting in B&W. all from ref..

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some figures from head

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from ref

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quick figure drawings, faces and Charles Bargue study

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