YOLO Sketchbook
Tygerson: Thnx! I find inspiration from everything really but just look for what you find interesting.

MrFrenik: Thnx!

Edit: Hobbit: not forgettin the hobbit, i tried to take the info into accct this time :)

Here is a chest study. I was happy with the outcome am wondering ways to improve it more, any ideas?

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Looking back i went a bit far with the details on the chest.

heres a leg study. happy with the way this went.

As always comments etc are welcome.

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Nice! i would suggest try using overcast lighting scheme instead of a direct light one so more areas will be visible. Keep it up!

sexy studies dude!
watch out for proportions tho, lower part of legs seems a little small, and maybe tone down the textures a bit..they dont make the study very readable ( and skin isnt that scaly and rough). Also dont avoid hands and feet hehe, I know they are a pain but they must be done :p
Good work none the less! Keep it up and.. merry christmas!
hobitt: thnx and gud suggestion. i will try this

Jarkuzy: tnx man! Agree with what ur saying man i went really overboard on those textures.....

so i did some editing..

heres the updates

Also im trying to hand and feet also but they are a little complicated so will take more time.

edit: less fakey veins

edit2: SOme envs from last month still in ruff stage

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Started doing color, here are some balls :)

also i tried to emulate direct sunlight.

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more colour studies

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Ohhhh damn this is nice. Working hard I see. I love the anatomy stuff on the black background, it really pops it out!

Doing the lighting studies like this really helps you think of form hey? Might be a good thing to give a try myself.
You are getting much better dude. One thing though, and its kind of hard to picture without real life observation, is that some colours reflect light more than others. Generally the darker the colour is the less it reflects. The more saturated the more you can see the colour of the light. Keep that in mind when painting the reflected lights like I see you doing on some of these.

Keep up the good work though :) Its looking good!

Jaik: yea they do. Thnks for the tip! never knew.

color cubes

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Nice keep it up! I would also suggest master studies to get a sense of colour applied in a painting.

Nice stuff :) my old life drawing teacher has a really good (if very scientific and occasionally difficult site) called http://www.huevaluechroma.com/ it really explains in some parts about colours and how they go in to shadows and how to apply this. Its a lot like what you are doing, but it may be nice to have some confirmation of things.

Keep up the hard work though, and I agree with Hobitt, some master studies to work out how these things are applied would be very beneficial.

Hob: thnx, planning on it

Jaik: lal thats cool. I like the site ive seen it a bunch, Briggs is really helpful, Ive never seen his art before tho i wonder what its like was he good?

So heres some color studies.

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More color studies

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Wow, those color studies with the backgrounds look really good! I love how you've broken the problem of color down to simpler elements. And then trying to make something simple like a ball work in a photo environment--I'll have to try that.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Some more color studies heh, its a lot but im getting the hang of it better now :)


Tygerson: thnx!

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color and material study

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Nice updates man. He was good (Briggs). I didn't see a lot of his stuff, but as a teacher he was exceptional. He really is in to colour so all of his figure drawings are of figures under coloured lights and all that sort of stuff. Really different to see someone specialise in such a way. But he had more than my total library collection on art, in just colour books and has read them all lol. Strange mix of scientist and artist.

Jaik: yea its definetly interesting.

some more gestures

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