slow hand ~ Andrew Ken's sketchbook
cheers Artery :)

I just received John Vanderpoel's "The Human Figure" in the post, it's excellent. Started doing a few copies:

painted one of the sketches from the other day

shameful photostudy

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
had so much fun playing with this this morning

and a bit more of the psythrone piece

more eyes:

and acrylics

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Holy balls, talk about an imagination!!
I come back here and boom! Awesome. Just. Awesome everywhere!

Lovin' the acrylics, would love to see more traditional stuff, but hey - that's up to you ^ ^

With the photostudy - my only crit would be to make sure you're choosing the best photos to study. Photos already flatten out form, so if you're going to choose a photo that uses flash/barely has any shadows to see form, well, it's going to be both hard to see and understand the shapes of the face. Just my two cents ~

Can't wait to see where you take this psythrone piece!
Keep being awesome! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
totally random, but I think you'll like this based only on the premise of the acid trip skull you had so much fun creating!/album/Vol+1/7228704

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
great artwork man loved the composition in some pieces keep it up

thanks guys!

smrrfette: yeah I totally agree with the photostudy. I picked it because of the colours and quickly realised it wasn't a good photo to study from, but I stuck through it in order to more fully understand why. When I was done I actually overlayed the photo ontop of the painting, to see how exactly i had drifted, and that also useful to see how exactly doing bad copies "happens" (I tend to see the same type of drift in all badly done photostudies of faces). and anyway thanks for the super nice encouraging comments :) i also want to see more trad stuff.

Mr. Toodles: interesting music, not at all how i hear my artwork, i tend to make it listening to stuff like this:

mrjovi: thanks man!

so i got a freelance painting gig! woo! and its literally taking up all my painting time cos i am rubbishly slow, boo. but im gonna post some stuff up soon Bomb

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
had time for a still life

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
its been too long since i posted here, i've missed a lot of stuff.
I agree with you Vanderpoel is awesome, my favourite one so far, other books just have too much information to handle if you are just starting with anatomy but Vanderpoel explains everything very clearly.
And good still lifes too, reminds me that i should be studying from life too!

Your work is so expressive, the lines as well as more painterly pieces... and really creative stuff in here! A bit like overflowing ideas everywhere :)
Happy holidays!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
vanderpoel is indeed great
thanks for the comments both of you
i'm having trouble keeping my two SBs up to date (i also have my main one on CA) as well as all the social media stuff : /
so i'm going to just update this place on weekends instead

here's some stuff from since last update and older bits i forgot:

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
feeling frustrated at how badly i'm managing my time lately. i think the main thing that changed was that i stopped counting my daily hours, and just "do as much as i could", and rest when i was tired. but counting hours is motivating and gives me more energy, so i want to resume doing that again.

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Hey again everyone! I've been away from here for a long time, but I've been thinking recently about reviving this SB and keeping it active. I'm gonna post a bit of the stuff I've been doing over the past 2 months since my last post.

First, figure studies and stuff:

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
hey everyone!
wanted to add some of the non-study stuff I've done in the past few weeks.

Update of one of the pics from the first page of my SB

and then more progress on it:

and some spacey stuff:

then psythrone bits:

updating of another sketch:

and nesizen update:

and a gif for a friend's videogame:
it swims in space


"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Woah, that spacy stuff looks cool D: Surreal!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Wuut, the swirly colored pieces look amazing! How do you do that????

I must say it is a pleasure to look at all this. Master studies look reaaaally nice, makes me want to draw them too :) also i like the color compositions, or thumbnails i can't remember the name. Really cool stuff here good job!
wow dude, I really like everything you do : D

the colours are jsut so nice, the smudgyness of a lot of your drawings give it a lot of motion somehow. I love it!
Lyrania: thanks Lyrania :)

Hypnagogic_Haze: Technically it's just simple brushing and blending, in terms of my thought process, it's making abstract shapes and then finding patterns and meaning among the chaos. Someone could call it "hyper doodling".

AngeliquevdMee: Thanks a lot! Those are thumbnail and also color/comp studies. Master studies are really useful and interesting to do, I recommend them to anyone.

Pandaladie: Thanks man : )

A little more of that stuff:


"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
Giving the screen-cap animation paintover thing a go:

Miazaki's "Spirited Away":

typical digital painter nerd desk still life practice

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche

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