Madzia's sketchbook
Woo more work!

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Lovely <3
(I want to do still life again...)

I'm missing you guys so much! I still don't have internet in my apartment additionally just spend week in home with awful bronchitis ;(
Here's few art I was making in my free time:
Illustration for a Dota2 set made by my BF
[Image: siDGVfm.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_my9bhyNmJE1rw215do1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_my9bv0UGCL1rw215do1_1280.jpg]

Coolios! That first Dota illo is awesome!! (Get better soon!) \m/

Browsing through your sketchbook is a treat. Everything looks so solid. Your color palettes are pleasing and lively
Too good <3 Love it

wow your sketchbook and work is so good, really inspiring work and the Dota2 illustrations bring back some good memories :)
wow i love your stuff madzia!
your use of colors is so inspiring, they look alive, don't know how to explain :)
and your self portrait in the spoon is just plain awesome!

get well soon and keep posting!

Huge update. Yes, I'm connected finally to the World Wide Web and back on forum :)

[Image: tumblr_mydeoq7tv41rw215do1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mydeoq7tv41rw215do2_1280.jpg]

Lina promo for Dota2:
[Image: tumblr_mz5sc9iS5I1rw215do1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_myzjg70AU51rw215do1_1280.jpg]

Rain in Düsseldorf:
[Image: tumblr_n0q7dpJEj41rw215do1_1280.png]

here's work from my job :D made for Anno online for Valentine event
[Image: tumblr_n0wix2rD951rw215do1_1280.jpg]

And now my come back to traditional media. Bought acrylics and struggling with them painfully... changing media is sooo frustrating. I hate the most learning pigment names and what color bias they have. It is so useless for digital painting but at least it's not that complicated :p
1h on paper:
[Image: tumblr_n0yhwyO7X91rw215do1_1280.jpg]

and still life WIP painted on gessoed board
[Image: Bg8epvxIUAA5hoD.jpg]

woah huge improvements from this page alone. keep going :)
I second BenFlores - awesome improvements and so inspiring! I love that spoon image, really great textures. Keep it up! :D

Thanks guys Dirksteele and BenFlores for good words!
here's 15min speedpaintings from lunchbreaks :D

Attached Files Image(s)

waa beautiful updates <3 <3

Loving the updates, nice improvement.
Your full on illustrations are quite amazing.

My reaction when I saw those dota2 illustrations

[Image: kristen-wiig-crying.gif]

My second approach to acrylics. I painted it in not-so-sunny room and when I move it to the sun light, spotted so many awful strokes :( Children, do not paint traditionally without good light above your canvas!

I can't get rid of doubts is traditional painting really leads me anywhere. I'm struggling with technique of paint and brushes. This distracts me from just observing colors what I could do easily painting digitally. Maybe I have to high opinion about my digital paintings... shifting to new media is soooo frustrating :D

Thank you Mazida for visiting my ramen bowl! Really wonderful studies here, you have a good grasp on color and light! Hats off to that and also your illustrations for DOta2. Are you working as a freelance illustrator with Valve to do these?

Keep doing what you're doing with your still life paintings, be it digital or traditional. It will enforce your understanding of color and light even more! If you're adventurous, try going outdoors :)
I like the way you work it!

No diggity!

The speedpaints in post #72 or sooooo cool/funny/enjoyable! my favorite's are the fisherman and the end of the world: coming soon painting! haha so much fun!

Gah, I know exactly what you mean about switching to new media, whenever I start painting in oils after working in just pencil and digital it's an awful nightmare! Then the second painting was a pretty bad nightmare. Then the third was a more or less tolerable nightmare. If I made a ton more paintings maybe I'd start to like it XD Gets easier as you keep making work, especially if you find effects the media can do that you love.
I've been told a lot that mixing your colors with real paint is a much better way to learn about colors than just picking a premade digital color, so that's one good thing about it.

Maybe look into getting some daylight light bulbs to light your canvas with somehow, those rule!


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