Rshin's Sketchbook
I did value studies of environments. And well at first, i didnt know what i was doing. There was less understanding and more frustrations. Then i took a break, and then i made another one today and tried to slow down and really think about what I was doing and trying to be really conscious about where in the value scale does X fall into. 

Of course there's still much to learn. So I'm gonna keep this up. D5f02ecd
I would say try rendering basic forms like cubes spheres etc try understand how light works, then try to introduce 2 light sources etc. It may sound boring bu when you get into it it really opens up ideas for experimentation and thus having a greater understanding the subject matter. Keep up the good work!

gaaaaaaah been a while again since my last post. 

@Hobitt yeah youre right :/ i guess i keep putting that kind of exercise off was cause it does seem boring but I should really do it >_<  thank you i shall definitely force myself to do that (y) 

Okay. So I drew things. Not the best things in the world, but I'm just glad I managed to finish something.
I kept studying and studying and it made my soul lifeless that I just had to really make something. 

My COTM for DrawwithJazza entry

And I went back to continuing my 1000 hands studies. 48/1000 now. 

More shits

Tried to draw this from imagination

More hands 

Hey Shin! Looking good, lots of variety and stuff. I second hobbit's suggestion about studying cubes and spheres and stuff - only need to do them a few times to start to feel the benefit. I think Proko has some good videos on lighting on spheres. Your hands look really great, as usual! Do you follow some kind of method from someone, like Hampton or Bridgeman or something? I struggle with hands still and have been doing a few everyday for a couple weeks... give me some tips : )

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
so disappointing that i dont upload a lot like i used to
just got out from hospital. then a lot of events happening in real life so my sketchbook will have to be..
update-less for a while. 

for now here's a supposedly profile drawing  

I haven't posted here for a very long time. My last post was August, which was when my training in a studio
started. Kinda felt bad that I stopped studying. 

I just want to share what I did during the little free times that I had
for the past months. 

I joined Amit's environment mentorship but sadly I was only able to complete a few parts of the homeworks.

Every month I join this challenge of the month thing. This is the latest one I did.
I was so busy I did it on the deadline itself, and well we all know how it turned out :)) 
I also applied for an illustrator job for this small company in our country who makes manga/comics
I'm only going to show the full body linearts which was part of the requirements.

Then I just finished this recently because I wanted to add more environment pieces in my artworks for this year. Not the best thing in the world but I'm actually proud this one cause I have no idea how to colour. somehow I managed to actually make it look like a rock. 

Lastly, this is a self portrait I made. Looking back at the one I did last March, there's a big difference (aside from removing my glasses of course!). Even I was surprised. But the lips are still uhh weird, even though I did sketches of it, I couldn't get it right. More practice needed then!

I've got big plans for 2016. I'm even going to start my Deathline. I hope I can follow through. More things to expect in my SB for 2016, please do tune in because I would really appreciate to hear your comments and critiques. For now, cheers! Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Hey Shin! Great to see your update, glad you are still at it ^^ looks like that anatomy / gesture practice is paying off, some nice poses on those characters and proportions / anatomy starting to look really convincing. Keep at it ^^

I am rubbish at colouring too, and started following Sycra's method from this video:

It gives a really good simple technique for getting colours that work together based on picking a starting colour.

and he talks about making a split-complement colour palette in this one:

I think the lips look off in your SP because you haven't got the planes / construction good around the mouth / muzzle area (there should be darker value under the bottom lip probably, and the connection between lips and nose is a bit unclear). Do some studies of the planes and structure of how the lips / mouth fit together and wrap around the teeth and get more familiar with how that works and your next one will be more solid ^^ great progress though : )

Merry Christmas! Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
My last update was a summary of the few artworks I did last year. So this time, my first post for the year will be a summary of the few studies i did for this month. 

I hope someone could give me some C&C cause I really need it. 

So my goal for this month was to draw girls or learn how to draw them because I'm really bad at drawing girls. 
I also went back to watching hampton videos. Read a bit of loomis too. Tried to see if I can still remember what I learned from Bridgman. And more looking at pictures and observing people. 

This one was really bad. 

Tried drawing girls in my sloppy style and see how it will fit


Gestures. Remembering Landmarks. Trying to understand simple forms 

In case youre wondering why I kept drawing that blonde girl - she's my character in this comic I aim to make and I want to get used to drawing her as much as I can.

I wasn't able to reach my goal of number of studies. It took me a while to even finish one because I keep getting halted by things both external (people and events and work) and internal forces (my lack of discipline). But I know what to fix in my schedule now so hopefully, february will be a better month for my studies.
Hey Shin, me too I'm trying to get better at drawing girls. What I found is helping now, is collecting a load of reference images of girls from an artist I like (for me Mingjue Helen Chen right now) then spending a solid block of time just drawing from reference, not trying to figure anything out or do my own versions, just straight from reference. After that you can try to draw your own and see how they come out, then repeat it again - I spend maybe max 15 minutes on each drawing. Spend more time drawing from reference than doing your own stuff (kind of goes against a lot of how we do stuff here but it's really working for me). It seems to give an intuitive feeling about what feels right and how to see when it's going wrong. After a few sessions like that, spend time doing quick, doodly drawings trying to make attractive girls! Also check out . Some of it's a bit crude but there are some real useful tips in the tutorial posts.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453

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