Jaik's Sketches & Thoughts
Wooow, i simply love your colors!! Great mood!
Also, so good to see alot of studies, experiments, and thoughts for this last bridge piece!
Super inspiring ^^

Aether Technician: I have check out IFTTT and while its not perfect, its really damn close. Thats great man! Thank you so much!

Smrr: Dont want to make you feel like shit :P That 'next week' update never happened lol.... But now its an update!

Warburton: Thanks man! Yeah Kalen provided a 3D base for the bridge, you can see that on the updated call out in this post.

Rosolino: Thanks a heap :) Glad I am inspiring people!


Okay so, surprise surprise but I didnt update when I said that I would. I know, I know. I'll just wait here for everyone to get over their shock.

Done? Good.

Kalens Robotpencil Mentorship

So the mentorship has finished up. Worth every penny.
Basically, how it worked was that Kalen gave us the choice of 3 Genre's and then a 3D model to start 'set dressing' I chose fantasy because well.. Comfort zones are fun (got pushed so far out of my comfort zone anyway) and I wanted to get as much work done as possible.
So basically we drew over the top of it, then went into rendering/flat colours (I got stuck staying with flat colours on my first one because Kalen said I couldnt render well enough and it would look better flat) and then one we were finished that, we were told what to call out and design in better detail.
The amount of detail we were expected to put in was crazy. I guess you get that in a real setting but its so much. And there is so much more I would have liked to do with my designs that I just didnt have time for.
Its hard to communicate just how valuable this was for me, and how much further it pushed me in both my skills and my confidence. At the time of this post, I actually feel confident enough for my first foray into the world of freelancing. If I get even a few jobs, this mentorship will have paid for itself tenfold.

Me actually winning something!
So I entered a deviantART competition for the Order 1886 and placed 2nd! So I got a PS4, game, paid night out in Syd, met 2 developers from ready at dawn (networking, yo!) and a big ass limited 1 of 100 statue worldwide. Was pretty unreal, I never win anything :S. See pics below.

Anyway, enough of me blabbering. Onto the art.

I got a request at my day job (completely art unrelated) that asked for a dinosaur. Below was my response.
[Image: 05-01.jpg]

[Image: 05-02.jpg]

Some sketches (30min, 55min, 50min)
[Image: 05-03.jpg]

[Image: 05-04.jpg]

[Image: 05-05.jpg]

My deviant Entry and prizes:
[Image: 05-06.jpg]

[Image: 05-07.jpg]

[Image: 05-08.jpg]

Moar Studies:
[Image: 05-09.jpg]

My 3-4hr sketch for Crimson Revolver that I ran out of time to finish (when you finish a mentorship at 11am, tell your girlfriend you can finally spend time with her again, then message her at 4pm to say you will be late because you decided to enter a challenge, fecal matter tends to hit the proverbial fan):
[Image: 05-10.jpg]

And my final works for the mentorship. I have also updated my website so you can check them all out on there too (http://jaikart.com) Please tell me if there is any other way I can improve my website. Its by no means perfect.
[Image: 05-11.jpg]

[Image: 05-12.jpg]

[Image: 05-13.jpg]

[Image: 05-14.jpg]

[Image: 05-15.jpg]

[Image: 05-16.jpg]

[Image: 05-17.jpg]

[Image: 05-18.jpg]

Anyway, in a pretty good mood at the moment, so Im going to relax a bit and.... uhh.. paint.. sigh, work-life balance master here...
Awesome updates! Also looks like that mentorship really paid off; gorgeous stuff!

grats on winning mate! very inspiring .

Glad to hear the mentorship went well man, the work that came out of it is awesome. Do a few more environments like that and I cant imagine you'll struggle too much finding related work. And gratz on the contest too mate, your final entry is a testament to how far you've come and you fully deserved that victory.

Cant wait to see more as always!

Detailed and awe-inspiring work there mr Jaik!
Such a thought-provoking way of approaching environment design.

I think it would be sweet to see one of those daylight settings have a bit of a higher contrast as the shine of the light goes. Been experimenting some with just switching to color dodge and giving the light a little bump in places, and then using that as a reference when I'm painting away in "normal"-mode. A find it hard to really get those contrasts to work myself but that sure helps.
Have to think up some crit you know, usually just come up with praise xD

Wow, your works from the mentorship are mind blowing! I mean, I come back here after some absence to see what you've done and then...boom goes my head and eyes!
Gorgeous work, and the amount of details, delicious! Also, congratulations for winning in that contest, your entry really looks great and it's very well deserved x)


pnate: Thanks man, it definitely did!

KurtJeremy: Thanks :D

Warburton: Thank you! Gotta keep pushing!

Adzerak: Thank you sir! Thanks a lot for the crit too. Finding the correct amount of contrast for that kind of stuff usually is hard for me.

Cyprinus: Thanks so much :)


Guess what? I havent been posting regularly again. I know.. everyone take your seats again, the shock is too much, I know.

I havent not been working.. Well.. I actually havent been studying as hard as I should. Or maybe I have? I dont know, its hard to know what is a sustainable level of study after being in a mentorship.

Anyway, heres what I have done recently. I have also been doing a fair bit of 3D, just learning the ropes. Its a pain, but hopefully it will pay off. Oh and I have also been doing some client work here and there when I can get the work in.

[Image: 16-1.jpg]

[Image: 16-2.jpg]

[Image: 16-3.jpg]

[Image: 16-4.jpg]

[Image: 16-5.jpg]

[Image: 16-6.jpg]

[Image: 16-7.jpg]

[Image: 16-8.jpg]

[Image: 16-9.jpg]

I can't Jaik, I really, really just can't

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That lost temple looks like a giant owl with a gaping mouth, lol!

Not much else I can say! You're studying all the stuff I suck balls at, woohoo! Keep going!

Smrr: Oh you!

Meat: Haha so it does :P 

Quick update before the new mentorship starts.

Loving the new site update too.

[Image: 15062301.jpg]
Face pic, havent dont one in a while. 4-5hrs I think?
[Image: 15062302.jpg]
Super quick sketch

[Image: 15062303.jpg]
Super quick sketch 2
[Image: 15062304.jpg]
[Image: 15062305.jpg]
morning speedpaint 30min-ish
[Image: 15062306.jpg]
same as above
[Image: 15062307.jpg]
stuff for mentorship 1
[Image: 15062308.jpg]
stuff for mentorship 2
[Image: 15062309.jpg]
3D rawks, trying my hand at speeding up workflow
[Image: 15062310.jpg]
practicing the mixer brush, and failing.. terrible..
[Image: 15062311.jpg]mentorship thumbs..

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude I fckin' love the mixer brush "failed" piece. You gotta do more of them, because, damn! Sah good

Also, my goodness there's so much work involved in that mentorship of yours - killing it ofc

Hey, yeah! Supanova was great :D
Yeah it'd be cool to catch up monthly, but I get you if you can't due to le mentorshipos.
Though I'd totally be down if we came down your way! Y'know, put ourselves in your shoes and curse shittyrail the whole trip up and then on the way back hahaha

Keep killing it meng!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wahh the stuff on this page is amazingggg. Keep posting *_* It's so inspiring. god D:::: congratulations on second place in the contest btw!
mandude, youre unstoppable.
anyway thanks for checking my sketchbook from time to time even though it seems your incredibly busy , you still have the time to check a sketchbook of a lowly peasant like me.

that advice about going through a still life is incredibly helpful. cos i always stop a still life for an hour or 2 and constantly thinking did i get anything better at it.
guess i just have to invest more time on it.
keep on rocking mah bro!

oh. meh. gawd. i got nothing to say but HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGG!!
more please!

You got a knack for designs and environments, keep it up :)

The amount of work you put out, is driving me to do more. Few months ago, I was practicing like mad, now it slowly dropped. Maybe its time to get back on the bandwagon of more output... haha keep at it mate!
HHmmmmmm, so many thumbnails, this type of stuff always get me excited.
Small tip for drawing the inner sidde of the eyes, look at yourself really really close on the mirror, at least for me and a bunch of people I know, there is some underlapping (is that a word? the oposite of overlapping) from the eyelid going under the superior lacrimal punctum.

Gosh your enviros are amaaaaziiiing!! I suck so hard at that, keep it up man!

You are your only limits!

Your Enviros are breathtaking! :O


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