The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
pnate - cheers man, I'll try :)

Mothman - Cheers man. Yeah I try to work on that stuff as well, it's a bit less tangible though. I'll keep it in mind, thank you :)

Spitpainting - Sandstorm
[Image: Sandstorm-1.jpg]

[Image: Sandstorm.jpg]

[Image: faces.jpg]

New Portrait Piece
[Image: Portrait-13th-Nov.jpg]

Thumbs Down 
Really nice project Thumbs_up ..... will try this the next year. Thinking
EXL - Yeah, do it :) Drop me a link if you do, I'd love to see :)

New Stuff

Spitpainting - Scifi Wheelbarrow
[Image: Scifi-Wheelbarrow.jpg]

[Image: silhouettes.jpg]

Pirate Character Dude
[Image: Pirate.jpg]

Those value face-sketches look awesome, they have a kind of freshness to them..

Kaffer - Cheers man, those are a ton of fun. :)

New Stuff

Spitpainting - Guitar Hero
[Image: Guitar-Hero.jpg]

And a new character
[Image: Spartan-silhouettes.jpg]

Playing around with lighting colour once it's blocked in
[Image: Spartan-Colour-Roughs.jpg]

And the final :)
[Image: Final-Spartan.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-1-2.jpg]

[Image: sketch-18th-nov.jpg]

[Image: sketches-18th-nov.jpg]

[Image: gestures-18th-nov.jpg]


[Image: surrounded.jpg]

Spitpainting - Black Blood
[Image: Black-Blood.jpg]

WIP - Think I might start something new though/work on some studies for a bit. Don't really like where this is going..
[Image: surrounded-1.jpg]

Spitpainting - Shield Generator
[Image: Shield-Generator.jpg]

4x Exercise
[Image: Monks-4x.jpg]

[Image: Comp-4x.jpg]

Spitpainting - Living Planet
[Image: Living-Planet.jpg]

Study Exercise - Figures in snow
[Image: Figures-in-snow-4x.jpg]

Quick-ish piece, applying those studies, need a better way of taking work to a finish
[Image: Snowy-walk.jpg]

[Image: BB-Sketches.jpg]

Rough WIP for a Breaking Bad piece
[Image: BB-Piece.jpg]

And then there's this. The reason I've been working with photoshop for so long. This is what it's all about. "Breaking Bald"

[Image: Breaking-Bald---Saul.jpg]


Want to start working on my visual library a bit more (in the hope that I'll be able to think of something cool to paint more easily). So I'm going to incorporate that 4x study exercise in a bit more often. Rather than just floundering through a spit painting, I'll study something to do with one of the topics, then apply them to the spit painting itself (sticking to 30 mins for the actual painting of course - think of the studies as prep). And also, I'm going to try to finish things more often. I.e. Pick a subject, study it, then apply the studies in a reasonably quick piece. Hopefully this'll help me to streamline my process, whilst giving me a way to explore loads more subjects. We'll see :). Basically what I'm saying is.. More studies, more paintings. It's gotta work ;)

So, here's the stuff from yesterday.

4x Exercise - Underwater
[Image: Underwater-4x.jpg]

Spitpainting - Underwater Empire
[Image: Underwater-.jpg]

4x Exercise - Glowy magic hands - 1st one by Algepfleger, ref for 2nd by David Palumbo
[Image: 4x-glowy-hands.jpg]

Applying those studies
[Image: glowy-hand-sketches.jpg]

Quick(ish) piece
[Image: Glowy-hand-Piece.jpg]

Breaking Bad Wip
[Image: BB-Piece-1.jpg]

sick work jake! love all the planes as usual
Forever killing it Jake!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Ben - Cheers man :)

Egbu - Thanks dude :)

Such a slow weekend, back to it now though. Wooo :)

Study Exercise, meditation
[Image: 4x-meditation.jpg]

Study Exercise Boats
[Image: 4x-boats.jpg]
Second ref was a painting by Cynthia Decker

Horrible application of those studies
[Image: boat-thing.jpg]

Slightly happier with this one. Might finish it, not sure though...
[Image: boat-thing-2.jpg]

And another WIP on the breaking bad piece
[Image: BB-Piece-2.jpg]

Passed 3300 Hours Here

[Image: boat-thing-2-1.jpg]

WIP - Should finish this today, not a lot left to do, if you spot something that needs fixing, let me know :)
[Image: BB-Piece-4.jpg]

sick updates as always man. I especially like that piece of the dude in the snowy mountains. The values and use of edges all feel very unified, if that makes sense?

The studies being applied by the spilt paints is a cool idea too. I might try that one myself :p Don't be afraid to sometimes take a study to a further finish too man. I know the whole idea is to take the info and move on asap but sometimes trying to get your study as close to the ref as possible and spending a few hours on it works wonders. I guess it's all subjective though haha.

In regards to the breaking bad piece, it looks cool on the most part! Just a few little anatomy issues which could use some tweaking. Both their feet look a little large, especially on walter who's feet look a bit out of perspective, mainly on his left foot. His legs seem a tad large and his arm abit small too. I could be wrong also but Jesse's head seems a tiny bit small also.

hope that helps man, and gratz on hittin the 3300 mark! That's pretty insane when you think about it. Only another 6700 and your gonna be serious pro level xD Th_096_K

Oh c'mon! You and you're quality shitload of work. Love it! I even don't know what to say. Just keep doing what you're doing. Peace!

Warburton - Cheers dude. Probably should have finished that one properly, there was just some stuff broken about it, which I couldn't be bothered to fix. Snowy rocks are super fun to paint though, so I'm sure I'll do something like that again soon ;). Cheers for the crits, think I fixed those bits for the most part, repainted Jesse's face as well in the end.
Yeah, I definitely neglect longer studies, need to try and do them more regularly again I think. Today!
Haha thanks, almost a third of the way there :)

Ramalooke - Cheers man, means a lot. :D

Alrighty, finished both of these yesterday. Wooo :) Hope you like them :)

[Image: BreakingBad.jpg]

[Image: boat-thing-2-2.jpg]

And some studies I squeezed in :)
[Image: 4x-archers.jpg]

[Image: 2x-prisons.jpg]

Longer Study - From Skyfall
[Image: Skyfall-Screencap-study.jpg]

4x Knights
[Image: 4x-knights.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-1-3.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2-4.jpg]

BW Study
[Image: bw-study.jpg]

Loving the studies, this last piece with the boat at night is great :)
And yay breaking bad piece is looking pretty awesome too!

Damn nice updates Jake! I really like those loose knights!

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