The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Jonhop - Ah yeah, that'd be way better. Might go back to it at some point. Definitely bear it in mind for the next one at least :)

Kidult - Cheers man, it's kinda hit and miss, but think it's helping. Had a lot of fun with that one :)

New Stuff

[Image: 17th-Jan-comp-studies.jpg]

[Image: 15th-Jan-comp-studies.jpg]

[Image: 15th-Jan-enviro-studies.jpg]

[Image: 15th-Jan-character-studies.jpg]

[Image: 15th-Jan-colour-study.jpg]

[Image: 17th-Jan-face-study.jpg]

[Image: dude-study.jpg]

[Image: 15th-Jan-comp-sketches.jpg]

[Image: 17th-Jan-comp-sketches.jpg]

Things, I dunno, not really happy with either of these. Moving on :)

[Image: 15th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: 17th-Jan.jpg]

The image of the guy in the shadows watching that castle is so gorgeous, I just love the dark next to the light, the composition is so pretty, my eye just travels all over the dark tones in it.

The world is moved by illusions.
| Sketchbook
I like your super rough, gestural sketches in your most recent post!

sketchbook thread
art blog (tumblr)
devART (beware; old stuff here lurks!)
Heeey Jake. Been a while. You did so much awesome work that I can't even count it =D. Love your brush strokes and this loose feel. Can't come up with any usefull feedback that you are not aware. So I can only say. Wow. Keep killing it mate ;)

Marla - Thank you, glad you like it :D

justjingles - Cheers :D

Ramalooke - haha cheers dude, glad you think so. Means a lot :)

Studies, mostly abandoned because I'm a pussy. Gonna finish a study properly tomorrow
[Image: jan-20th-castle-studies.jpg]

[Image: sargetnt-study-18th-jan.jpg]

[Image: rocky-study.jpg]

[Image: 20th-Jan-comp-Studies.jpg]

sketch abandoned for the same reason
[Image: 20th-Jan.jpg]

Finished this thing
[Image: 20th-Jan-Apply.jpg]

And here's a WIP - painting it for my gran's birthday (hope she doesn't see this lol). Having fun with it :)

[Image: grandma-Cat.jpg]

Had family stuff going on, so a slow couple of days. All good though :).

[Image: study-1.jpg]

[Image: 22nd-jan-study.jpg]

[Image: 23rd-Jan-Study.jpg]

And finished the cat thing :)

[Image: grandma-Cat2.jpg]

New stuff
[Image: medieval-building-studies.jpg]

WIP (maybe)
[Image: 24th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: Viking-guy-study.jpg]

[Image: 26th-Jan-study.jpg]

[Image: 26th-janrock-study.jpg]

Imagination thing, kinda got lost in the middle. Better next time. Learnt some stuff anyway.
[Image: 26th-Jan.jpg]

You've been turning out some great stuff lately, Jake! I realy like that you're pulling in more and more environments in your pieces. It's basically just as good as your characters now

The piece second to the bottom in post #622 is wonderful. Great composition with very harmonious colors, I get a good sense of story from it. Awesome that you just paint castles now like it's nothing.

It's hard to find something to crit, but one tiny thing is that some noses in your personal work look a bit off. Might be that the angle is making the structure wonkier or that the nasal bone is not meeting the forehead correctly in certain angles.
Still rockin' it man :D

Passed 3700 Hours Here

Bjulvar - Cheers man, really appreciate it. I dunno, I'm definitely having more fun with enviers now, but they're still super tough. Oh man, yeah you're right. Seriously though, fuck noses. And ears. So awkward to paint. Thanks for the pointer, I'll try and work on it :)


[Image: 27th-jan-study.jpg]

Painting for today
[Image: 27th-jan.jpg]

Hey man, Great to see constant progress!

I think i see one problem with how you think about form. I think your illustrations of rocks is really pulling up some problems. It seems you have trouble thinking up complex forms that integrate soft and hard shapes. You really need to vary the forms and shapes that you use in your illustrations. For organics you can't just do round bubbles, instead it has to have a mix of shapes. Some razor sharp, others dull, the angles between faces should also change.
Rocks can also have a grain and snap off and show it as well so that's something to consider.

You should also consider what type of rock is it, Is it fast eroding sand stone, or is it slow wearing but brittle slate?

It might be easier with a paintover.

[Image: cwb1mnZ.jpg?1]

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
OtherMuzz - Oh man, yeah I'd never really thought about that before. Makes a lot of sense, and the paint over looks way better. I'll try and keep it in mind going forwards. Cheers dude, really appreciate it :).

Recent stuff, little light as I've been visiting people from uni. Made a nice break though :)

[Image: 28th-jan-studies.jpg]

[Image: 30th-Jan-Study.jpg]

[Image: 28th-Jan.jpg]

[Image: 28th-Jan-2-.jpg]

[Image: 28th-Jan-3-.jpg]

[Image: 30th-Jan.jpg]

Spitpainting - Bound in Ivy
[Image: Untitled-1-7.jpg]

Saturday's are the worst. Hockey match in the middle of the day, so it's always kinda hard to get into any real flow. Ho hum, good day tomorrow :)

Crappy Sorolla Study, didn't really think it through and kinda fizzled out.
[Image: 1st-Feb-Study---Sorolla.jpg]

[Image: Feb-1st.jpg]

Great brush stroke economy! I want to be like you when I grow up XD

Hypnagogic_Haze - haha, dunno about that ;). Thanks though :)

Not a ton to show. Couple more 2 hour master studies. Really need to up the speed with these, abandoning them so unfinished. Still, learning a fair amount :)

[Image: 2nd-Feb-Rembrandt-study.jpg]

[Image: 3rd-Feb---Pyle-Study.jpg]

And painted this see-through dude :)

[Image: 2nd-Feb-invisible-Man.jpg]

youre killing it recently man .that invisible dude came out nicely, by the way is that smoke inside his throat? if so, thats awesome.
Man you have posted tons, since my last visit, its a joy to see such workflow.
Recent stuff looks amazing, keep blazing through those paintings.

Hmm, your rendering is pretty nice man. I think you need to work on your design though. There are a lot of standard costumes and poses here, and it seems like you're painting the same knight dude over and over again. Other than that its looking good, keep it up.

BenFlores - cheers dude :). Yeah that was the idea, kind of an afterthought, but it looked kinda neat so I kept it lol. Glad you think so though, gotta love those happy little accidents ;)

CrackedSkull - Thanks man, really appreciate it. Imma try :)

JJ Aaron - Cheers, tell me about it dude. I know I know, there's just so many different areas to focus on, and I kinda panic if I pick too many at a time. Definitely gonna be revisiting design more in the near future though. Thanks for calling me on it, always helpful to hear that stuff from another person :)

New stuff,

Study - Frederic Church
[Image: 4th-Feb---Frederic-Church-Study.jpg]

Oh shit, I used real paper. Pretty fun, might try thumb nailing like this more often
[Image: Scan-15.jpeg]

And something a bit different for today, had a lot of fun with this :)

[Image: 4th-Feb---Party-.jpg]

ooooh shiiiitt! He broke out the pencils :O

I wanna see more dude, pencil stuff looks nice, even just these little comps. Loving the colours going on in this latest piece too.

Your stuff is defiantly getting better man, the forms and edges seem more 'solid' if that makes sense? Love seeing your comps too, all these studies are for sure paying off.

Cant really find anything to crit at the moment, you seem to have this whole progressing thing nailed down lol. Just keep hitting it as you are doing lol.

Oh and that invisible dude is pretty cool too man. That smoke going down his throat is a really cool idea. Your should play on that more, it's a great effect, even if it does look like his smoking a fat joint haha :p


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