[PAINTING] Learning How to Design
Thanks JyonnyNovice! Yea its gouache, I really dig it so far. You’re right with the cool tones. Mine are much too warm, didn’t do it on purpose, just an error :) I’m really looking forward to your attempt, should be nice doing that in watercolor!

And thanks Sagittarius-A-star for your extensive write up. You’re very right with what you’re saying. Actually I got very similar feedback from the latest foundation review regarding sloppyness. I really have to be careful with my perspective and don’t eyeball it too much. I’m not at the level yet.

Actually it is a 2-Point Perspective with a vanishing point to the left. And I’m pretty sure that you can have a very direct view on one vanishing point while have a second one off the page. I think it doesn’t nessecarily has to be one point then. But its very possible that I’m wrong here. Maybe you have any additional resources on that specific case?

And thanks for the heads up on the purple lines, thats me drawing sloppy :D You’re having a nice eye for perspective, so thanks for pointing me at the things!

Hey Hey :)

New Update. Term 13 from Foundation Group, basically a more refined lighting thumbnail. And I'm pretty unhappy with this one. I struggled with design, the perspective and of course the lighting :D The main thing I learned is that I definitely have to focus on my fundamentals. Most likely I'll go back to a lot of draw through constructions and dynamic sketching for visual library. I feel like I rushed forward a bit too much. Definitely want to have very strong linework and design-sense before progressing into lighting etc. :)

Feedback appreciated! Thanks everyone! :)

Hey everyone!

Long time since the last update. I'll just post some random stuff from my sketchbook, not much context to these. Currently I'm in the midst of transitioning into full-time drawing, so I kinda abandoned my regular schedule and I'm only drawing when it fits into my day. So not much volume at the moment, but only a few more weeks and then I'll be able to draw aaall day :) Looking forward to it! Hope you enjoy the sketches anyway! Feedback appreciated.


Nice perspective stuff, you've got a good design sense for buildings.
You're already far ahead of me in perspective but if you can get hold of it i'd recommend scott robertsons how to draw book(though i'm sure someones probably reccomended it before to you), it's helped me out a ton so far and Scott is pretty much one of the masters of perspective.

Thank you very much Triggerpigking! That book is great! I've came back to it so many times.

Hey everyone!

Just a few weeks until fulltime!!

I messed around with some gouache the other day, traditional painting is so much fun.

Study of a mountain scene.

CC really appreciated, I hardly know anything about painting.


Thank you very much Autoronin! Really appreciate!

Thank you very much Sketchosoph, glad you like it!

I'm very proud to announce that I'm now basically fulltime drawing. After I quit my fulltime job, I now have the time I need to make serious progress. I worked out a little schedule for myself which I'll be following the next weeks/months and see how its working for me. The first real milestone I set myself is to have really strong linedrawing skills. Up to that point I'll do no value/painting stuff I think. As far as daily routines go I'll do a set of warmups, followed by some dynamic sketching/observational drawings for visual library/understanding and the rest of the day draw-trough/construction exercises.

For now I decided to really work through How To Draw again. Now I have the time to put in proper volume and really get all of the value out of it.

Today I did some warmups, then aircraft studies (starting with old military aircraft) and finished the day with X-Y-Z Section Drawings. Hopefully I'll be able to design some decent planes in a week from now.

For tomorrow I should focus on being more precise in my drawing, today was a bit sloppy. I'm also struggling with doing proper observational drawings, quite hard to get the perspective right, without constructing.

Due to all my time I reserved for drawing I should be able to post daily, we will see how it unfolds, for now: see you tomorrow!

Feedback always appreciated!!

Some more Studies. Still struggling a lot with the wings, but I'll work on that.

Its quite fascinating how much you learn by doing those studies. I think I underestimated that A LOT in the past. Even though the studies aren't the best I still learned SO much about aircraft by doing them. Another thing I realized is that you only learn these details when you draw them, not by only looking and noticing them. It may be the first time I truly understand the term "building a visual library". Preeeetty cool.

More Planes :) This time modern military + civil planes. Will continue these topics the next days I think. So much to learn. Getting more comfortable doing observational drawing. I switched to make a construction-light, its working alright for me at the moment, still much room to improve.

Will post technical construction stuff soonish. Feedback always appreciated!

Thanks everyone!

Congrats on going full time drawing ! Its such a great thing : ) your work is looking great too, your drawings look so clean and tidy I'm envious ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Congrats on going fulltime drawing man :D, and nice work on the plane drawings, i'm up to that part as well now though i'm having a lot of difficulty trying to draw them well.

Cool stuff! I love your clean lines. If you are up to another challenge for the perspective stuff, try a handrill or a hairdryer. Looking forward to more stuff :)

Thanks everyone! Really appreciate. Drawing a lot is pretty nice :D

@Triggerpigking Planes are super hard man, defining the right volumes is just super hard, but practice will do I think

@Eyliana Thats a nice suggestion! When I'm going more industrial stuff I'll definitely study those! Thhxx

Quick update: A more elaborate study where I snapped some in-between photos, was kinda curious how my process looked like. Could definitely a bit more careful in the construction stage, especially in regards of volume defining.

Rest are various construction studies. After some sculpting studies I decided to mix it up, gets kinda boring after a while. Currently I'm really enjoying the paper plane ideations, its fun to explore shapes. I think I will do A LOT more of those.

As always Feedback appreciated!

Thanks everyone!!

Quick Update:

After my first week I experienced that I need a lot more diversity, only grinding planes is pretty boring after some time. I definitely want some design exercises and some more subject matters. So I decided to structure my week a bit differently. I'll have some days dedicated to designing, some to construction and some for studies. I'll also set myself very specific goals to achieve each week. These will also dictate the subject matter. So I can adjust on a weekly basis.

For this week I defined something like this:

- 3 x Vehicle Draw Through, Jeep + Truck + Tank or similar
- 2 x Scotts Exercise
- 3 x Fishy Aircraft Designs
    - Prop Driven
    - Fish Inspired
- 3 x Pages Studies Planes + Military Ground Vehicles

I'll also start doing digital stuff. The Vehicle Draw Through I'll do digitally.

For today I'm done with first ideation sketches for my aircraft. I also mixed up my approach and used a colored pencil, really nice to do that from time to time, flows so nice over the paper.

Appreciate any sort of feedback!


End of the Week Updatesss:

To start this off, I'm behind my initial goals BIG TIME :D

I did my designs and 2/3 digital draw throughs, no studies and no H2D exercises, only a bit sketching on the side. But I used all my time to work myself into the whole digital draw through thing like the FZD Students are doing. It did cost me A LOT more time than I expected but in the end I think I achieved some decent results.

Proportions are still super hard and drawing digital is a big challange as well, but I struggled my way through and after some unbelievable bad attempts I got my results, so I'm quite happy with that. I'll do a lot more of these digital DT's and because of that I decided to start a practice group dedicated to those exercises. I would have already included a link here, but the forum didn't let me post the thread, only throwing an error. If the thread is online I'll leave a link here. Goals for next week will also come shortly, but for now, here is my result:

See you all tomorrow!

Damn dude, you make me want to get back into H2Dr again, but the beggining chapters are so dry DX. Anyways, really great stuff so far man; sorry I can't say anything actually helpful lol.
Thank you very much Ambiguity! I'm absolutely with you, its super dry and repetitive :D But in the end it'll pay off I think.

Talking about dry fundamentals: I started the study group, if you want to have some company while working through the fundamentals have a look: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7558.html

This weeks schedule:
  • 3 x Insect Draw Through
  • 1 x Design Draw Through (constructing one of my aircraft designs with H2D techniques)
  • 3 Pages Insect Studies
  • Portfolio Prep for university
Since I'm in the middle of applying for a industrial design program at a local uni I'm reserving time to draw some "Industrial Stuff". Otherwise its just a lot of fundamental practice.

See you and have a nice day!

I admire the way you can see past the super-dry stuff to the eventual gains Miracoly - great mind management.

Good luck with your study, looking forward to seeing your progress!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Thanks Artloader, really appreciate!

Phew, intense week. Overall I'm quite happy, I upped the overall hours and got some stuff done. But I'm still not achieving my initial goals, but for the moment thats okay I guess, the portfolio prep just sucks the energy out of me. Printing stuff is always a hassle for me.

This week was pretty much ALL OUT INSECTS. And the digital constructions were killing me....my hand-eye coordination with the tablet is super shitty, so drawing organic lines over and over again to get a right one drove me insane. But in the End, after probably a million false lines I found a decent one, so I'm very proud of that.

New goals will come next days, I have nothing more to give today :D Happy Weekend everyone!


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