Monkeybread's Dribblings
loving those enviro thumbs man! they look like finished pieces heh!
Hi Monkeybread, great sb. I love your environments and creatures. Keep working and posting! Cheers

Thanks for the comments guys! I love it when people drop by..makes me feel that I'm not just doing it in a vacuum :)

Quickie thumbs for CGMA week3. These are my own development thumbs, the goal is to flesh out one piece to as high a level of polish in grayscale that we can do by Wednesday (about 3 days away.

I think the comp for A may be stronger, but I seem to like painting B the most. If you want to help lemme know which you prefer , A, B, C and why!

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i think B is the most pleasant to the eyes, A is powerful too, but i personally prefer the clear composition of B. And the surface of the planet on the bacground is a nice touch.

(05-12-2013, 08:13 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: i think B is the most pleasant to the eyes, A is powerful too, but i personally prefer the clear composition of B. And the surface of the planet on the bacground is a nice touch.

Thanks Eduardo! I'm glad you picked B...that's the one that has been the most fun painting too. :D

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sketchy skitch

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scritchity scratch

CGMA Week 3. Still needs work, hopefully I will finish it and maybe even colour?

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skitch of the day

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Spaceman Bob goes walkies.
CGMA week 4, one of five paintings this week...not sure If I'll get to five.

Attached Files Image(s)

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Dude, that course is helping, I so love this one

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
is beautiful like a lost dream
Thanks peeps. I feel a level up coming on I think (I hope!). It's been a while since the last one.

CGMA week 4, sketch 2 of 5 and a couple of skatchins of the day from last two days

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1hr skatch to take it easy tired!

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final submission for week 4 CGMA. Kinda dissapointed with the package. Also a 2h enviro sketch for fun this morning. The course really is helping my workflow a lot.

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I'm participating in CGMA as well but I have the most basic enviro program. Do You enjoy Your CGMA workshops? :)
I like how Yours enviros look. I think You made look it really good. You got the atmosphere, planes, composition. I like You used light on the light in the picture 2. I like number 3 very much. But maybe You should adjust the colors of the rock in the first plane, maybe a little darker will suit better?:)
And I love the last one. The composition, lights and picture planes feel right.
Very good job overall! 088

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Heya Mannequinn. Thanks for your comments! I am enjoying and getting a lot out of the course for sure. Each week I think I improve and James is a good instructor and guides us well. I am pretty sure I can improve almost everything I do but that's the nature of the game. Hope you have been finding your class equally challenging...I would be keen to hear your thoughts on your experience. :) Thanks for stopping by!

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man i love the atmosphere these environments are FANTASTIC, they look like they could be in a game
I agree, your environments are great. Amazing sense of scale and depth in each, not to mention color and controlled values. Glad I found this SB!

Thanks MrFrenik and Yolo! I really appreciate the comments :D And so here's another one for your eyeballs. Probably about 3 hours worth.

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Saw you in the speedpaint thread. As alexson said, your colors are sexy. Looking forward to seeing more.


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