wld.89's journey
Hi guys, so here i am, 31 yo here, decided to get back at drawing after several years of no practice due to many bad life choices, i'm fed up with my shitty life right now and really wanna improve ! i don't know where i'm heading but all i want is to get better ! I'm starting small and will build from that over time ! I have a shitty full time job but will try to practice everyday !

Today i've done gesture drawing, life and selfportrait from observation, and a sketchbook page from imagination ! I've mostly done them to see where i am right now and what needs to improve, looking forward to practice a lot ! I'm gonna focus on foundations right now with perspective and anatomy, need to get really good at those things ! Don't be easy on me ! 

Hey man, welcome to this forum.
I'm gonna be 31 in february myself. It was this year that I decided to really go and chase that dream of being a pro artist. For similar reasons as you mentioned.
So two weeks ago I quit my non art related job, still have to work there till november due to contract. Than I will give everything to make that dream a reality.

Best of luck to you! I believe we can all make it, it is a hard work that leads to success. Talent has a little to do with it.

For some anatomy I recommend Andrew Loomis, Bridgeman and even Hogarth but be careful what you learn from him as he pushes the anatomy somewhat.
Also Feng Zhu on youtube, the man is great and his videos are amazing.

So yeah, keep working hard and hope to see you soon with an update!

Shuty : Man that's amazing ! Wish you the best man ! I'm quite stuck with my job since i don't feel good enough to leave it now but i'll try to improve as much as i can and i'l make it ^^

today's stuff, not much, just a few gestures, a box sitting at my desk, trying to catch proportions and angles, good basic practice, it's been years ^^ and sketchbook page from imagination ! So much to learn ...

today's stuff, gesture, selfportrait , and sketches from mind !

For that selfportrait the proportions are really off, my head looks so long, this drawing lacks of structure and solidity ! really need to pay attention on that !

Here's another boring update with today's stuff ! a plant in fineliner, and started to study anatomy from kevin chen ( legs, since it's the most difficult thing for me ) . My goal is to AT LEAST de 2 pages of anatomy study each day next to drawing from life and sketching from imagination . I really have to think more about my horizon line when drawing: set it up and stick to it the whole drawing ...

Leaf are not stiff they bend as the go away from the stem.You can find out more tips here https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste : thanks man for the link, checked it out and pretty good stuff, might as well do all the lessons !!

yesterday's stuff that i didn't have time to post ! I'm starting to see small improvments so really happy with that !

today's stuff , not much unfortunately ...
I really need to think more in structure and better visualize in 3D, if you have any tips/exercises, it'd be great ! For now i'll just force myself to visualize more, and really try to feel the volume, etc !

Attached Files Image(s)

today have been a really busy day . I've only been able to do my 2 pages of anatomy. It was really challenging to try to visualize the first pose from reference( top left corner of each page ) and then try to draw them from different angles !

Yo dude! This is some reallyy nice stuff here, a lot of volume and consistency, great decisive lines, and you're definitely working on the right things if you want to improve on figure drawing and anatomy. Keep it up, look forward to seeing more! : D

Drain gang
Hi wld, really nice practice you have there! It's good to see that you keep the lines neat and simple. A suggestion is that when you do your drawing from imagination, you can try to construct the perspective box first, and see how the character fit into the perspective.

Hey man, your drawings are looking nice. You seem to have a good feel for form already. I’d love to see some badass imagination stuff. The leg anatomy studies you just posted look great too. Your portraits remind me of Wes Burt a bit as well. I miss his pencil drawings. Cheers!

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
Enjoying your portraits and sketches.. Look forward to more from you and to see where you go next!!

🦇 33 / F / BPL UK
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Really dig your sketchbook, looks like you're concentrating on construction and form which is always recommended. Very solid drawings all around, keep it going!

Great stuff buddy! You had some really nice momentum going here, so I hope you come back soon! Daily practice is the key to improving in this field, and posting here will be good motivation to keep up the pace! :)

ognjiša : thanks man ! will try to update as often as possible ! 

AChi : Thanks dude ! Well I actually try to visualize boxes before sketching my characters but it seems like it doesn't work well ! But it's true that i can't place the feet properly and my characters don't look grounded ! Need to work on that ! 

kvSketch : Well i don't think i'm grasping form very well and still struggling with that but thanks ! Keep it up too ! I hope i'll bee able to do badass imagination stuff one day ! 

miimogenation : Thanks a lot ! 

cgmythology : My actual goal is to really have solid structure in my drawing so i'm focusing on perspective and construction right now ! 

Zorrentos : thanks buddy will try to go as far as i can with this art thing ! 

Hey guys, long time no see ! My job was actually taking me so much time and comittment, it was hard to focus on art, so decided to look for another less demanding job and spent the last month looking for it intensively ! Now i'm working 28 hours a week at a less demanding job that allows me to listen to music when i'm working, but tbh i prefer to use this time to listen to art related podcasts so feel free to give me some advices on good podcasts ! I was also not much prepared when i started this sketchbook so i gave myself several days to really know where i actually want to go with that and gather enough ressources to reach those goals ! Also bought a new computer and a tablet so i'll be able to do digital paintings now ^^ 

today, did some basic stuff from drawabox lines assigment , i've been watching dorian Iten's Accuracy video and applied those principles to some life drawing from photos, and did a quick digital painting study from life ! It's been so long, it feels good to paint ^^ Looking forward to show you less boring stuff :D

Hey man - really cool sketchbook you got going here.

I love your drawings - great lines.

Always good to get back to fundamentals with drawabox - it'll really help you to construct from basic forms and apply good perspective.

Also Dorien Iten is awesome - that guy will turn you into an artistic superstar!

One thing that might benefit you now and I see you've started to do it with these last few sketches is to think about light and shadow as you sketch. See if you can quickly sketch in shadow shapes - try and get a feel for the light direction and how it creates shadows.

Hope that helps, if not please ignore but in any case - keep it going - you're doing great :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

A good effort on the fruit still life.The orange texture look nice but the apple look a bit to desaturated in my opinion it almost as a matte feel to it.Keep working on your shadow quality specially the cast shadow being to stroky.I think the fix for this is to use a bigger soft brush and to try to find the right brush flow.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Artloader : thanks bro ! Yeah i totally agree with you, i'll try to practice blocking light and shadow masses more often ! Dorian Iten is a king, can't wait to watch his videos on light !

Darktiste : thanks for the crit ! Yep cast shadows are sometimes very subtle, especially when they quickly fade away from the object like just below the orange, but failed to grasp it ! Will keep that in mind next time !

Well, here's the stuff from last few days, could only work on drawabox stuff but now i reached the 250 boxes challenge. My goal is to finish it before end of the year. I'll do about 10 boxes each day and it'll allow more time to focus on anatomy, painting, life drawing and imagination stuff !!

the few last pages show how i'm tired of rotating stuff in my mind, it's really challenging since i'm very bad at that but i already see some improvments !

Great draw a box exercises. I don't know if someone has mentioned Proko yet, but his youtube videos are good for learning anatomy and gesture. I think your figure drawing forms could be stronger and look more "solid" and he covers that quite well


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