Will Warburton's sketchbook
Came together at the end faster than I thought.

'think' i'm done with this, i'll give it 24 hours and see how I feel about. Was a ton of fun to do and couldn't have got it to this point without your crits so thanks a lot again. <3

[Image: bossbattle_zps88be82f7.jpg]

Boom! That piece came out great. The arc of the sword swing works really well, nice composition. And can really see that you apply those studies, gotta do that again lol. Looking forward to the next one :D

That last piece really turned out awesome, I love the colour palette you chose, a great piece for your portfolio :). And reading through your thoughts about quitting and seeing everyones replies, is one of the reasons I love this forum and the art community in general but it is very prevalent here that we all encourage each other and support each other when we feel discouraged, and we all genuinely want each other to succeed.

I also will re-iterate that it would be a terrible shame if you quit, this is one motivational vid that always picks me up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3O-yIcmfR...-QUo1dqCZx

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work and studies! Keep pushing! :)

Lot of great work in here sir, great sketchbook. Love some of the different styles you have going on.

I noticed in your recent rant post you mentioned that you were struggling to afford your own place with your freelancing fees. If you're in the UK, you can register with the tax office as self-employed and they can give you working tax credits to help support you and pay your rent/bills. Might be something worth you looking into.

that last piece came out great! it really shows the result of your study.
But if you are still willing to make some changes, you could give a bit more of movement to the ice giant, specially to the arm that is about to smash the poor adventurer.
And maybe a bit more of definition on both the adventurer and the terrain would really improve the picture. But (for the terrain) not so detailed to attract too much attention.
Well done mate, keep working hard!

I think this last one turned out great as well, warburton. Of course small things can be changed here and there and nitpicked forever, but be proud to put this in your portfolio for sure.

Hey man, lots of stuff, lots of really nice and interesting stuff too, especially that last post of yours. You've got so many sketches, and there's so many that look pretty good, I'd say you could even consider taking a few to a finish if you wanted. Glad to see ya comin back with stuff. :]

Aaawww yeah. Nice studies and imagination stuff dude!!

That Mike Azevedo study, man, I tought it was his, ahaha, very good man.

Also for the others, it really reminds me a bit of Dave Rapoza's thing on his sketchbook on CA! Very good stuff!

jake b - Thanks dude! Yeah I took a leaf out of your book and tackled something out of the comfort zone, so the studies came in useful. Even if I ended up doing about 30 of them to try and get the knowledge to sink in lol :p

jonhop - Thanks man, and yeah i agree, the dagger community is awesome. Theres no way I would have got to where I am now without it. I can't imagine how people managed it 100s of years ago lol.
Cool vid too dude, i love those motivational videos. Thanks again for stopping by man, and for sharing your thoughts and kind words ;)

Craig Paton - That's interesting dude, at the mo i'm not really getting any freelance stuff but when I do it's something I will defiantly look into. My crappy day job which I do 2-4 times a week is what barely keeps me alive at the mo and that's without any rent bills, so regardless of how much it pisses me off I can't take that jump yet into self employment yet, though I will one day soon (hopefully lol) Thanks again for your comment mate, bills are a pain in the ass :p and your kind words are appreciated.

EduardoGaray - Thanks again for the crits dude! I tried to make some amendments as you suggested, though I'm not too sure if I made that much of a difference :p After a while your eye gets used to a piece and it's hard to spot flaws and stuff I guess. The biggest struggle in this piece was the atmospheric perspective and value contrast which I fought a ton over, I still don't think I really got it right lol. I'll try hader in my next piece, thanks again mate, always love your crits and support.

MrFrenik - Thanks man, i'm glad you think so. Yeah this one was pretty tough to get right and I still think theres improvements to be made, but i'll hopefully address them in future pieces ;) Cheers again dude.

Archreux - Thanks mate, yeah sketching is fun, especially when your tired after work. It's a great way of warming up and coolin down before bed too. Glad you like um man, thanks for your comment.

mateusrocha - Cheeers man, yeah i'm a thieving bastard dude, if you make some cool shit I want to know how you did it and apply it to my own stuff lol :D And mike Is such a beast, I love that guys stuff. Original inspiration came from monkeybread - http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-759-page-6.html for those hard brush pieces, then they just became too fun and there great for loosing up. Ive seen Dave's too, there super awesome. I love that guys stuff too lol...
cheers again mate

small update
studies, still lifes
[Image: dinostilllife_zps04333208.jpg]

yellow is hard :o
[Image: stilllife_zps46249d1c.jpg]

[Image: stilllife2_zpsc14c8849.jpg]

[Image: bananacreature_zps3f25d07a.jpg]

[Image: queenofblades_zps01f09c05.jpg]

[Image: applymonsterchickthing_zpsd83e58d6.jpg]

thumbs for new piece, most of these actually taken from a final fantasy trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXDMDvYu0Fc
Been wanting to do a piece like this for years but never had the bollocks to do it
[Image: barthumbnails_zps6c1b3e3b.jpg]

my two, tryin something abit different, no lines
[Image: pubtalkthumbs_zps2a7981eb.jpg]

good way to study and apply directly after, man. and I like the value thumbs you've got going; they feel like movie scenes.

That ice illustration looks great :D

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
I can see an awesome style emerging from those last thumbnails without lines. Seriously, i think that you could develop something really good if you keep focusing in that sense of form and atmosphere.
You know, something closer to comics and graphic novels.
Agh, maybe i´m writing nonsense, but i really have a feeling seeing those pictures, i really recommend you to keep exploring that style.
Also, sweet studies and application, love that Kerrigan!

Damn. It's been a while since I visited this place. I can see some good stuff going on here <3 lobe the ice golem piece and those newest portraits you did. You're getting stronger mate. Like a hulk or other super duper dude. Keep it up!

mrFrenik - Yeah been workin on my comps more dude, i'm glad you like. Just makin this all up as I go along really lol. Cheers again man.

egbu - Thaaaanks man, i'm happy you like it :D

EduardoGaray - Yeah man, a while back I got a portfolio crit that my stuff was generally broken because my fundamental structures were fucked up, meaning my line work. So ive spend ages developing that, especially at the start of pieces. Though recently ive found myself not using lines and just jumping it values and block colours and it's great fun! And it's making it much easier to establish ideas and comps more faster. So I agree with your saying and i'm glad you kinda see it, hopefully more stuff similar to follow ;)

ramalooke - it's been a while dude! Great to see you back. Loved your updates too, you've progressed a lot, way more than me. Hope to see more dude, and thanks for your encouragement.

mainly crap sorry :S
[Image: chickbehind_zps4a55b7f8.jpg]

[Image: facelight_zpsf69dfd48.jpg]

[Image: swampwater_zps2950ad67.jpg]

apply study
[Image: swamp_zps554cb08d.jpg]

work ups/ doodles
[Image: warmupsss2_zpsf7ddea4f.jpg]

[Image: robotniksketch_zps883eec4a.jpg]

[Image: fly_zps967a08fe.jpg]

major headaches. Strong Belwos doodle lol
[Image: strongbelwos_zps9c9a31ea.jpg]

[Image: magichick_zps60d57dd4.jpg]

idea which.....well, uurhg
[Image: wip1_zps0ae76113.jpg]

did a chow, so latest piece I guess. Turned out pretty fast too, though don't know if i'm finished
[Image: jackcrualfinal_zps7a9feb6b.jpg]

Man, this last piece right here is really nice! The lighting and colors are all working real well together. It's looking pretty completed for the most part, if there's anything I'd say to go back and put some more work into, it'd be the face.

Don't feel so bad about your other stuff, man. The amount of sketches and work you're putting out is great! Out of all of 'em, the bar/tavern scene with the people conversing with one another is looking good. I'm a big fan of the A comp for your main two. The guys arm gesture adds in A adds an interesting element that brings the scene to life as though the people are really talking to one another, it's the strongest by far. :D

That Chow piece looks amazing. You did really good job, love that!

Archreux - Thanks again man, yeah that bar piece started as something ive had in my mind for ages, but it just didn't feel compelling enough to be a illustration if you know what I mea, so back to the drawing board for now lol.
As for that latest piece, the face has been most tricky lol. The theme was horror so I tried to figure what makes something creepy, and it's the unknown, or what you don't see which is scary. That's why people are so shit scared of the dark. So I wanted the face concealed and a kinda suggestion of what his face looks like without giving too much away. Not sure if it worked though :s

ramalooke - Glad you like man, thanks a lot!

just small update, more soon. Just spend a lot extra time picking at this. peace

[Image: jackcrual_zpse4621043.jpg]

and wips
[Image: chow333wips_zpseeaee2df.jpg]

Oooh awesome one <3

Man i envy your lighting! though it pretty much looks like spotlighting on his chest, it reads very well even in the thumbnails.

aaaw yeah! you are killing it with this one! giant step forward if you ask me.
The only thing that bothers me is the face, maybe its the glow of the eyes or the teeth, but thats just me, the picture looks damn great! keep moving forward i really want to see where you are going.


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