Eddy´s Sketchbook
Yeah the composition looks pretty neat now, I agree with rio that you should angle the sword a bit more diagonally downwards though.

Glad to hear the surgery was a success Eduardo! Tons of great anatomy studies (making me feel lazy! lol) I see you post up on facebook, the last portrait piece was excellent! Keep up the great work!

Nice torsos that you posted above, really well done! Your rendering has been improving nicely as well and the compositions are looking great. Your stuff is really coming along nicely!

ramalooke: thanks man! i will start to with that illustration very soon.

constructicon: thanks! :)

rioriorio: thank you! yeah, you are not the first who suggest that, the picture would improve indeed, thanks for your feedback! :D

MrFrenik: As always, thanks for stopping by mate! i've been practicing rendering a lot lately, hopefully i will make some improvement in the near future. xD

pnate: thanks, thanks a lot! we were lucky, the operation wasnt a specially risky one so i wasnt too worried, but yeah, keeping your mind busy helps to deal with those situations.
I've been indeed enjoying this last practices, thats like a rule for me, i dont want to do random stuff, if i paint or draw something is because i want to do it, motivation is a big factor after all!

Triggerpigking: glad you like it mate! yup, i agree with both of you, i will defintely change the angle of the sword.

JonHop: thanks mate! yeah, looks like it was success, everything is back to normal here, and no haha, in any case, i'm the lazy ass here, i waste waay too much time each day, i really need to get more disciplined. :S

AdamMiconi: Thanks Adam! i'm glad you like that practice, and that you are seeing some improvement, trying to improve my rendering is giving me some problems these days, but thats good, better to hit a wall than to run in circles!

And this is the update, i will try to make another update before the year ends, 2013 was good, but listen, 2014 will be our year daggers! Let our hearts burn with passion!

[Image: bcae57492bcff355032fad9.gif]

Portraits for my personal project

Wasnt really happy with the results so i tried something different in this eureka seven fanart:
Quite the opposite of the other portraits, i used just the airbrush to make 90% of the rendering. I really like this kind of rendering, so i will be practicing it from now on. :)

Hey Eduardo, I'm glad to see you're still working hard man, those portraits look really nice! Damn I saw some anatomy drawings a few pages back and it blew me away, your project is looking really good.

Keep it up man, keep the great work coming!

Whoa! I haven't seen this sketchbook in a long time! I got used to seeing your stuff on DA lol.

I think the first kind of rendering Has a lot of attitude, specially the girl with the red bang, but I have the feeling that the second style is easier to sell.

Wow, it feels like ages since I last commented here but I think it's mainly down to the amount of work your busting out dude, really cool updates recently. And sorry to hear about your dad mate, though it's great that the surgery went well. Pretty inspiring to be honest that your producing so much work even in times like those. Much respect dude.

I like how your trying different techniques and experimenting too, like in those recent portraits, it will only make your technique even stronger! One crit I can offer from seeing your recent portraits, is try doing some studies of planes of the face. The forms and values feel a bit flat and I'm sure this will help a lot.
Plus loomis 'heads and hands' is a great resource to study this. Ive also got a bunch of those cast head pics on my computer if you need some, which I can send over via email, just let us know.

Also, your anatomy is looking really tight recently, especially on the previous page. Keep heading in the direction your moving dude, I see great improvements on the horizon.

I like the portraits Ed! Like others were saying it's cool to see your experimenting with them. Also I picked up Vanderpoel's the human figure after reading how you were really liking it, and seeing the awesome studies. Haven't gotten to studying it just yet, but damn does it ever have beautiful drawings in it!

And I'm with you on 2014, gonna try and push limits! (that gif is amazing btw)

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Lovely sketchbook! Your portraits really show character :)
I like that idea of translating an old (game) character to a painting!
I envy how fluid and lifelike you do the postures of your characters - that comes from lots and lots of practice/gesture drawing I guess... makes them really feel alive, even the sketches.
Only weakness I can spot so far seem to be skintones and sometimes rendering (for quicker paintings at least) - both tend to be on the muddy side sometimes (not in all paintings! Just some). Maybe some focused exercises in this area? :)

Anyway! Merry Christmas to you :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Awesome update Eduardo ;3 Those portraits are getting stronger ;3 Love how you convey personality and facial expression. ;3 There's some issues with anatomy and rendering but you know that. Awesome job and I look forward to see you rockin' in 2014!. Cheers!

wla91: thanks a lot man! :) i will do my best to work harder and smarter and in the coming year.

Rognoll: its always good to see you here mate, i think the same about those rendering styles, but still both of them are flawed, definitely something i need to develop this coming year.

Warburton: you are spot on, as always mate! i know planes and structure are the first thing i really need to understand to get better. I started to study Loomis hands and heads as you suggested, but i somehow lost the jpgs xD well, next time.
And thanks a lot for your help man! I would love to have those reference pics you mentioned, i will send you a private to talk about it in January, since i know this is a busy season and i dont want to bother you. As always, thanks Will!

Jonesoda: Thanks mate! i'm glad you picked Vanderpoel i discovered it thanks to Hannes (Algenpfleger? damn german language...) Also, yeah!! 2014 is going to be our year haha, glad you like the gif, even tanks doesnt mean shit for Kenshiro, we have to be more like him. xD

Lyraina: Thanks Lyraina! :) well i did a lot of gestures this year, so im glad to hear that they were useful. But there is still soo much room for improvement, two years have passed since i started taking this art thing serious, and it still feels like i started yesterday haha. And thanks for the crit! you are right, my rendering tends to be chaotic and unrefined at best, another task for 2014! :)
Oh and merry Christmas to you too (a bit late i know!)

ramalooke: Thanks man! yeah, i'm aware of those problems, but thats good, at least i know what i have to work on! And of course, lets keep rocking on 2014 dude! its going to be great. :)

Yeah, this is the last update of the year, just a litte fun picture before i enter full study mode.

Thanks a lot for all your comments, critiques and support in 2013 daggers, i'm 100% sure that i wouldnt have come this far without all of you.
Lets see what 2014 have in store for us, good or bad, happy or sad, but remember that the only thing that really matters is to keep moving forward.

Happy new year!

Gorgeous piece man. Love the use of soft edges.

You have come a great way! Keep pushing it. 2014 is going to rock :D <3

happy new year dude! im with you in working hard for 2014
Love the work with the brush strokes left in really nice to see the difference in rendering style with those two portraits. I'm also with you for 2014 lets push it to the limits!

Great stuff! Love your mentality for another hard working year ahead of us all.

With the last piece, it is really hard to see that it is a sunset between them because of the vlaues. Maybe darken it a bit and get some more contrast going? Excellent use of edges nonetheless!

Happy new years! Looking forward to another year of your work!

Aaaand it seems I was right about the improvements haha. That latest piece is gorgeous man, agree with Jaik also on the sunset thing but the rendering is really nice. Don't stop now, this is your bench mark from now on, so keep pushing and show us moooore! :p

message me anytime dude, don't worry about holiday stuff, getting better is the most important priority so anything else like holidays comes second. :p Here's my email too if that's easier - [email protected]

And there's no excuse for neglecting Loomis! Here's some free pdf's to download :D - http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/

Happy new year mate, and best wishes.

About time to update this! here is hoping everyone is safe and sound working hard after that mess that is Christmas/New year.

Ursula Dorada: whoa thanks a lot Sula! :D yep, this is definitely going to be a good one, lets keep punching hard!

BenFlores: Cheers man! hope you had a good new year aswell, lets kick ass in 2014!

JonHop: I'm glad you like it Jon, we can do it, we just need to be smarter and work harder this year!

Jaik:Thanks man! yeah i agree, its was going to be mid day at first, changed to dawn/dusk later, i guess thats why it doesnt work. Also, yeah! lets see how much we can advance this year!

Warburton: Again, thanks for the refs you sent me mate, pretty useful! gonna be doing some studies of them in the coming days. :)

Here is the stuff i've done in the last 3 days or so, i slacked waaay too much this christmas.
Feels good to be again on the right track.

Studies from Chinese painter Zhaoming Wu.

And some fanart to apply things and have fun, Rin Tezuka from the game/visual novel Katawa shoujo (disability girl)

What to say about Katawa Shoujo, a game/visual novel about dating disabled girls? i raised an eyebrown at first, but started playing it because some people said it was awesome.

So i started playing, got into Rin Tezuka route (an artist girl without arms, how awesome is that?) and, oh boy, that was an experience.
A touching, sad, yet beautiful tale about restoration and hope and to find oneself and to find peace. (Thats my interpretation at least!)

It was heart wrenching but just the ending (the good ending) made all the tears and sadness worthy.
I dont remember being so emotionally attached to a videogame since Xenogears or Metal gear solid 3.

Sweet, seems you are beginning to master your method using softer brushing techniques! There is a noticeable improvement in how you paint faces too!! Hell yeah, smash those damn walls down

wooh, those soft edges look crazy good.

I'll have to try that :P

Ah you played Katawa Shoujo, played that myself about a year or so back, need to go back and finish it actually only played 3 of the 5 routes and i still need to play Rin's one but yeah great game, great characters.
Cool work on the Rin portrait, faces have improved alot recently especially in the eyes and I like the washed out blue and red on the side, anyway you've been improvin fast the last few pages man,
keep it up :).


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