Ramblings, delusions & sketches
@LaleAnn: Heyyy, thanks so much for your feedback! I'm trying to limit myself to about 30 minutes each. Doesn't always work, but that's what I'm trying to manage. Yeah, the last 2 or three of them I just did it toget over with it and got barely anything from it! I switched to those mainly because I don't have a lot of time on my hands, so finished pieces and detailed studies take foreverrrr! I figured I wasn't painting efficiently enough, that's why I limited my time on these. I changed the exercise today and for now I think that works better. Maybe switching up every 2 to 3 weeks works best for me.
But you are definitely right when you say that I should do longer stuff too! And thanks so much for the encouragement!

I'll be working on practicing my almost non-existent perspective skills for a change! I'm still slowly going through Scott Robertsons "How to draw" and I aim to finish and really get the whole thing this time.

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I caught a cold and while technically I have aaalll the day to draw now, I simply am too tired. =____=

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Today my Photoshop decided to behave really strange, so todays study looks weirdly sketchy. :/

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I'm hitting a wall with my perspective studies, so I decided to take a break from studies for a few days and focus on painting from imagination and applying what I got so far. And then back to perspective again! Todays sketch was more for relaxation. Tomorrow, I'll try to push the limit a bit further.

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Trying to paint backlighting today. Can't quite decide if I'm satisfied with it yet.

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Dude, your perspective studies are awesome, such a inspiration to me to better myself in it, thanks for sharing with us!
@ThatDudeIsaGhost: Hey man! Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, definitly go and do those studies. They are hard as hell at first, but it's incredibly satisfying when you notice yourself having less trouble wih them.

Reading that I got motivated to pick up How to draw again and do some practice myself. So here it is, plus a quick master study.

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Achievement of the day: Mirroring 3 curves in perspective. Baby steps. x)

I also got around to finish a richard schmidt study that's been sitting on my desk forever.

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Perspective studies are wicked! Also that last painting of the river.
Cheers for sharing!

Just over here trying to get better.
Wow, the colors are spot on from that last color study!!

Perspective studies are also great. Are you learning these from books or tutorials?
I just finished Marshall Vandruffs perspective course, great stuff for only 12$ :)

Photoshop CC2015 / MacBook Pro
Procreate / iPad Pro
My SB: nutriman's quest for awesomeness
Aaah curves. I did those to yesterday.

The plane mirrors look great. With the curves, the mirror ones are not really curvy, more like loose line segments. Maybe you can try the exercise at the beginning of the book were you draw a few points an try to draw a fluent line through them. I think this should help your mirrored curves :)

Hey man great work. you got that last colour study looking really close.

I agree with Eyeliana that them curves don't look that great(I have the same issue lol), maybe try and get into the habit of doing warmups like this brandondayton.com/2013/06/how-to-practice-phase-1-warm-up/ for 5 or so minutes a day, i've been cycling through each of them each day and it's helped a lot but maybe you should try and focus on curves for a little while, I think doing this even a bit each day would help a lot, also make sure to use your whole arm to draw them and draw them lightly so you can go over if you make a mistake.
Also whats going on with that perspective study under the bike? it looks really confusing.

@CHARLE: Thanks for saying that! it's encouraging to here this once in a while :). Keep on going yourself!

@nutriman: Hey man! I'm working through Scott Robert's How to draw. Great book, check it out if you can. It's very technical and not really a light read, but awesome if you really wan to get to the bottom of it, and everything is explained in a way that it makes sense in the end. Thanks for the recommendation! I never heard of it, but I will check it out.

@Eyliana: Yessss, the curves...My archnemesis. By now, I have filled countless pages with point-to-point curves, and I'm starting to see a difference. And you are right, looking back on those from a couple weeky ago, they look extremely pointy and not very much curved. Thanks for pointing it out to me!

@Triggerpigking: Heyyy, how's it going? Thanks for stopping by! I agree, the curves are shitty :P. In the past I used to shy away from doing freehand curves at all, and I still avoid them in a way. Yeah, you're absolutely right, drawing with the whole arm made it soo much easier! I kinda forget to do warmups, and every time I get reminded is when I'm already finished or in the middle of drawing. And the perspective study you mentioned...to be honest, I just got lazy at that point. That's why I switched topics then, so I can actually take away something from the time I invest.

Been a while since I last posted. My computer broke and it took some time to get it fixed. The uncomfortable truth is, I'm completely addicted to the thing, the time I was without was spent mostly lying around min front of Netflix.
But now that I have it back, I can get back into my art routine. Here's a sketch of some kind of a plant, that I might use in a piece later (or not). Also the sketch of the plane in the sunset, which for me alsmost counts as a speedpaint and a wip of a ghibli-inspired thingy that I plan to animate a little.

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Ugh, after not posting for such a long time, I always feel bad...

Anyway, this is what I've been doing these days. Started screwing around in Sculptris and found that 3D sculpting is a blast. This rndm guy was my first real try at doing something more than a blob. The part where his hands should be is unfinished as the rest, because that was the limit my Surface could handle. But I guess with smarter working, better results can achieved without killing my tablet.

Also, tried out Krita to check out it's new animation tools. Very cool so far, it will be interesting to see where they're going.

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Some rock study, which was meant to be a perspective study and an exercise in 3-dimensional thinking. And also a quick sketch that was nooooot at all inspired by Thomas Scholes. :P

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Quick daily sketch and some thumbs for an upcoming thing.

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Some thumbs and material/design studies. Been ages since I last sat down and really studied something.

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Today's progress, more material studies and some character thumbs. Also loaaads of ref-gathering.

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Little bit of progress on the character design.

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Cleaned up the crappy pose and worked on the tribal marks on his body.

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