Shin's Sketchbook
Yosu ! :D
Tnx for stoping by and having a look at my pieces..i tought it's about time i make my own thread here and show u guys what i do in hope i'll improve with your help :)

I'm currently occupied by school studies but i try to have the most of my time for i began with tribal, i think it's very creative and beautyful kind of art wich can express many things..i'm still studying it and trying to make up new style's so here are some pieces i did last couple of days..

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Hi okami-kun : )
Glad to see you around. I can't wait to see more of your work once you're done with your exams. But take care of them first! Good luck and have lots of fun in your adventure into world of art :)

So enough about tribal's, i've been practiceing with facial part's and shading since i'm not so very good with it and i would realy want some advice and tips or any sort's of feedback that could help me..
I'm still new to these kind of things and i realy want to get better, tnx in advance.. :)

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Just keep on practicing :D
As I told you already, always focus on basic structure of the face first, details can be added later. Good work and keep on going! :D

Visit the resource section of the site.Construct a bank of image also for reference.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
It's been a whole week since i bought my tablet and started digital art so i'm working my best every day to learn something new and get better, this is as far as i got for now, i still suck pretty much at rendering so i'll try to work more on that point... >.<''

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Too much soft brush in your studies, even if the snail study is looking good.

Your shark (?) painting is nice. It would have been interesting if you had put a foreground, like a rock or corals. It would have helped create distance in your painting.
Try to always have a foreground, mid ground and a background.

Keep up the good work (: !
Study hard, and have fun with personal stuff on the side.

(02-20-2014, 12:26 PM)Fincks Wrote: Too much soft brush in your studies, even if the snail study is looking good.

Your shark (?) painting is nice. It would have been interesting if you had put a foreground, like a rock or corals. It would have helped create distance in your painting.
Try to always have a foreground, mid ground and a background.

Keep up the good work (: !
Study hard, and have fun with personal stuff on the side.

Tnx, i'll try that next time : )

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Quick uptade, trying out harder brushes around the edges, took me way too much time and still need more practice.... >.<

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Hey Shin, keep up with studying the fundamentals.
Also I highly suggest that you go through all the Loomis books.
Start with "fun with a pencil" and Figure drawing for all its worth"
Here's the link to the books.

Hey ShinOkami don't worry too much about brushes and edges, perfect your lines, and for god sake flip your images horizontally to check proportions! :D Your drawing are so often skewed I can even guess your right handed :D

(02-22-2014, 08:12 AM)crackedskull Wrote: Hey Shin, keep up with studying the fundamentals.
Also I highly suggest that you go through all the Loomis books.
Start with "fun with a pencil" and Figure drawing for all its worth"
Here's the link to the books.

Ok tnx, i'll try that~

(02-22-2014, 08:30 AM)Madzia Wrote: Hey ShinOkami don't worry too much about brushes and edges, perfect your lines, and for god sake flip your images horizontally to check proportions! :D Your drawing are so often skewed I can even guess your right handed :D

Haha, yup, indeed i am and i have an bad habit of drawing everything the best i can while bending my wrist left and right.. >.<

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Long time since i last visited this place, i wasn't able to update stuff due to all the school work i have which made my drawing time drastically less..

But here is some photo study and head drawing practice i was doing from Loomis's book- Drawing the head and hands..

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Some more face practice and my first life study of an bell..

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A small update on today's face practice, i couldn't do more due to unexpected visit of 2 of my friends but i did study face mouscles this afternoon..i know it's not so much but it's the best i can do with all the school tests i have.. >.<

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More studyes....

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An quick little update, tried doing some rendering and playing with colors, didn't do that in a while so i was completely lost.. >.<

Any tips and critiques are welcome and i will post more stuff tommorow..

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More face practice and quick basic head structure sketches..

Also started to use the figures from Loomis book and did some forms of gestures, it was new to me but i'll try to keep it up every day..

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Some stuff i did today...

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Very small update, practicing different ways to construct a face..

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