Shin's Sketchbook
Nice work, you are working hard and its good to see. Try to find a bit of a harder edge brush since a lot of your studies make the edges a little too soft. Good work all in all though, keep it up :)

(04-30-2014, 09:03 AM)Jaik Wrote: Nice work, you are working hard and its good to see. Try to find a bit of a harder edge brush since a lot of your studies make the edges a little too soft. Good work all in all though, keep it up :)

Thanx ! :)

Yea, i really have a big problem about the edges, i often avoid using too much dark value for the edge but next time i'll try to experiment and combine something different..

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Good to see you work on the fundamentals! Keep doing those head studies, and also try to think of the face not only as eye/mouth/nose, but also think of the planes, how the form changes etc. The more you construct the head by breaking it down into smaller parts, the easier it becomes to get your proportions right.
I agree with Jaik about the edges - it's not neccessarily about making them darker in value, just be a bit more decisive with placing your brush strokes. You could also try to work with 100% opacity without pen pressure to lay down your basic shapes first, then go from there.

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Every feedback is appreciated!
(05-01-2014, 06:21 AM)Lyraina Wrote: Good to see you work on the fundamentals! Keep doing those head studies, and also try to think of the face not only as eye/mouth/nose, but also think of the planes, how the form changes etc. The more you construct the head by breaking it down into smaller parts, the easier it becomes to get your proportions right.
I agree with Jaik about the edges - it's not neccessarily about making them darker in value, just be a bit more decisive with placing your brush strokes. You could also try to work with 100% opacity without pen pressure to lay down your basic shapes first, then go from there.

Tnx for the advice, i'll definitely study a bit more about the planes later on, i seem to forgoten them..
Yea, i'll try that, tnx again.. :)

I didn't feel very well today but i pushed myself to do another study, still trying to get better at facial features..

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Update on some stuff i was doing these days..

Another skull study..really need to make more >.<

Portrait study..

and some color studies for the end.. also need to make much more..

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Many test are incoming, making my time for art studies more limited, so here's just a little portrait and colour study.. on colour study i didn't do basic head construction lines so it looks weird but i learned something from it..

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Such lovely colors on that last lady! The warm tones are really well balanced by the faint blues and greens. You've got some good eye contact going on there.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(05-07-2014, 03:23 PM)Tygerson Wrote: Such lovely colors on that last lady! The warm tones are really well balanced by the faint blues and greens. You've got some good eye contact going on there.

Tnx ! :)

Small update.. some quick face doodles and portrait study..

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Not so much today so here's just an colour and portrait study, tried to do some different styles with different brushes but it didn't work out..

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Small update..

colour study.. her face tou.. >.<

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Keep practicing, do tons of still lives and try doing some sculpture studies, it helps with the forms.

Hey nice progress so far man, I think you're getting a good grasp on colour and the edges in your paintings are looking alot better in some of these recent ones.

To add onto what Crackedskull said, yeah try sculpture studies for form, even better if you can go to a museum and draw them from life. I'd also reccomend reading some books as well, Loomis is good for general proportions and the like but Hampton and bridgman are great for getting down the form.

Hampton also has a very good approach to gesture drawing as well, helped me improve on that alot. Bridgman is a bit advanced and confusing I think, however from what i've studied from it,
it seems like it'd complement hamptons anatomy approach well.

Anyway good work so far and keep practicing man :D.

Well, because of school and other stuff, i won't be able to post much so i'll update stuff here every week rather than making one post on only one work.. >.<

(05-10-2014, 11:51 PM)crackedskull Wrote: Keep practicing, do tons of still lives and try doing some sculpture studies, it helps with the forms.

Tnx for the idea, i'll try that out for sure.. : )

(05-18-2014, 06:20 AM)Triggerpigking Wrote: Hey nice progress so far man, I think you're getting a good grasp on colour and the edges in your paintings are looking alot better in some of these recent ones.

To add onto what Crackedskull said, yeah try sculpture studies for form, even better if you can go to a museum and draw them from life. I'd also reccomend reading some books as well, Loomis is good for general proportions and the like but Hampton and bridgman are great for getting down the form.

Hampton also has a very good approach to gesture drawing as well, helped me improve on that alot. Bridgman is a bit advanced and confusing I think, however from what i've studied from it,
it seems like it'd complement hamptons anatomy approach well.

Anyway good work so far and keep practicing man :D.

I'll do a little research of them one time and see what i'll come up with.. ;)

Thanx ! :D

So back to what i was working on, not much but i'll try to use all the free time the best i can..


-skull study

- 1 min gestures

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Simplifying the shape is the right mindset for gestures! maybe try to find the line of action first, just a line that describes what the figure is doing, can you find a curve that goes from head or one arm right down the leg? If you have to, cut down the time to force you to simplify even more. Your proportions are quite good already!
Also have a look here (NSFW):

The material studies are nice! Love the cockroach XD

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
(05-19-2014, 05:01 AM)Lyraina Wrote: Simplifying the shape is the right mindset for gestures! maybe try to find the line of action first, just a line that describes what the figure is doing, can you find a curve that goes from head or one arm right down the leg? If you have to, cut down the time to force you to simplify even more. Your proportions are quite good already!
Also have a look here (NSFW):

The material studies are nice! Love the cockroach XD

Yea, the line of action is the first thing i watch when i draw gesture but i'll try and simplify even more :)
Tnx for the link, i'll look at it after some good sleep xD

hh tnx xD

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More stuff !

-daily gestures

-more materials

-anatomy stuff

-face features

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A little portrait from imagination, still strugleing with the values, i think it's time for using different brushes.. >:T

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Hey man and thanks for your comment which brought me over here! :)
It's awesome to see you progressing with those portraits, I will look into the videos since your doing a very good jobwith facial features already ! :)
So yeah keep on posting!
good to see that you are trying so hard! keep it up with the portraits o/

(05-28-2014, 12:18 PM)Rosolino Wrote: good to see that you are trying so hard! keep it up with the portraits o/

Thanks !

Dou most of the time i don't think i work hard enough and that really shows when i try to do something else.. well i'll keep on trying and working :)

(05-26-2014, 05:45 PM)Cruptic Wrote: Hey man and thanks for your comment which brought me over here! :)
It's awesome to see you progressing with those portraits, I will look into the videos since your doing a very good jobwith facial features already ! :)
So yeah keep on posting!

Hope the videos will help you as much as they did to me, good luck ! :)

So.. more little stuff, exams in the progress so i won't be able to show much stuff..

-material spheres

-skin study


-expression study

-color study

-eyes anatomy

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