The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Second Piece for Bloodrealm

[Image: Mermaid---Revised.jpg]

Illustration for Bloodrealm |

Image is the property of Making Fun, Inc. ©2013

[Image: Electric.jpg]

[Image: Melting.jpg]

[Image: Briefcase.jpg]

[Image: Pirate-portrait.jpg]

Tree Studies
[Image: Tree-Studies.jpg]

Imagination Trees :/
[Image: Treee-Apply.jpg]

[Image: Treee-Apply2.jpg]

The last tree has a nice gesture... Could you say something about the technique? Are you just randomly "blobing" stuff with brush, erease some and then add detail here and there?

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Kerm - Yeah something like that lol. Honestly I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm still trying to come up with a sensible process for trees :/

I've been working on some visual library stuff the last couple of days. Made a list of a shit load of things I've never drawn before, and want to plough through them, just so I have some sort of idea about them in case I ever want to put them in an illustration/sketch/whatever.

I thought I was gonna do this by studying and applying, that's what I've done in the past after all, but trying to apply a study of a rock, for example, actually means painting much more than just a rock, or it looks weird, you have to paint the environment it's in, decide on lighting, all that stuff. Which is fine, it just takes a while, and as I mentioned, there's a shit load of things on my list.

So, I'm giving matte painting a try. Using photos as bases for the application of studies. The photo makes all the decisions, I just have to try and fit a rock, or whatever into it, without it looking shitty. It's early days, so these are mostly gross, but I've got a good feeling about this, might end up being pretty helpful :).

So, here goes :)

Sargent trees study
[Image: Sargent-trees-study.jpg]

Tree study
[Image: Tree-from-ref.jpg]

Tree matte (1st one, oops)
[Image: Tree-in-mountainscape.jpg]

Filigree matte
[Image: Filigree.jpg]

Rocky floor
[Image: Rocky-floor-study.jpg]

Rocky floor matte
[Image: Rocky-floor.jpg]

Grassy rocks
[Image: rocks-in-grass-.jpg]

Waves study
[Image: Beach-waves.jpg]

Adding water to a beach
[Image: beach.jpg]

Adding a swamp to the bottom
[Image: Swamp-lake-thing.jpg]

Alright, think that's it :)

Most of the matte painting bases by Marcus Ranum

Ascension looks legit, 10/10 would buy again.
Other than that great trees and matte paintings. The implication of leaves needs more practice, but im sure youll figure out the right combo of brushstrokes.
Almost 2900. You are insane man :D

Ascension cover is very nice, I'd buy a copy if I saw that in the local bookstore.. Those matte stuff are wicked as well!

Yeah man, gotta agree with other folks here about the book cover, really awesome stuff dude.

It's cool to see you tackling weaknesses in various ways too, always making shit hard for yourself, which Is probably why you progress so fast 0.0

And don't get me started on rocks dude, ive been painting so many rocks recently and I can't figure them out for shit lol. So much texture and random cracks which look stupid when you try to paint them. I almost find with environments it's more about suggesting things rather than actually trying to recreate them, if that makes sense? Like if you look at a lot of good environment artists work they tend to just create shapes with forms, then apply an area with textures and the brain fills in the blanks.

sweet updates as always mate, its always a pleasure dropping by.

Passed 2900 Hours Here

Crackedskull - thanks man, means a lot lol :) Yeah, implying stuff seems to be the way to go, it's tough though. I'll get there eventually :)

Kaffer - cheers, glad you like it :)

Warburton - Cheers dude :D. Haha, it's mostly just a deep seated laziness I think. Just want to find the quickest way to do anything, and do as many little things as possible lol. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ;). S'all good :). Yeah I know right? There's texture, and there's form, and they overlap and I have no idea how to invent it. Hopefully it's one of those things that'll just click at some point lol. Might have to do an intensive environment week at some point or something. Not right now though... ;)

Not a lot today, got a bookcover on the go that I'll post (if I can) when it's finished up :)

[Image: voodoo-sketches.jpg]

WIP - developed one a bit, having fun with this.
[Image: Voodoo.jpg]

i like this last idea! voodoo is cool, but composition wise, i like more the first one with the hero in the background. In the one you developed, you have the head of the knight overlapping with the hand.
But on the other one you already have a very nice triangular composition.

Keep crushing it mate, i want to see more!

EduardoGaray - Yeah I think you're right that the head overlap wasn't working. I was trying to get a cool negative shape in the middle, but all that overlapping went a bit far lol. That being said, I wanted to keep the hand over the top of the image, as I liked the framing.. Pushed the dude back a bit though, to break that overlap, think it's working a bit better :) Cheers dude :)

Line Drawing for that new piece :)

[Image: Voodoo-1.jpg]

Nice lines and sick concept on the last one bro, can't wait too see it progress

great progress man. almost hit the 3k hour mark, it must feel great to hit each milestone. keep it goin!
cant rremember if ive said it already, but i fucking loved that ascension cover, so so good :D
I wasnt really sure what was going on in the sketches for the voodoo piece but now that youve done that line drawing it looks very cool :) excited to see it pushed further

I think the matte painting studies look great, and the idea to use those as a way of studying lighting and materials is clever. I'll have to give it a shot.

CoreyH - Cheers man, hoping it comes out well, fingers crossed :)

BenFlores - Cheers dude. Yeah hitting the little ones is always nice, and hitting the 1k marks always feels like a big deal lol. Way more so than it actually is ;)

Dan - Cheers dude :) Yeah the sketches are little more than scribbles I guess. We'll see, maybe it'll work

MrFrenik - Yeah it seemed to work pretty well. Just saves a lot of time, so you can practice more things, really quickly. I dunno lol, need to give it another shot soon, got sidetracked..

Sketch based on Ice by Thomas McGuane

[Image: Ice.jpg]

WIP - Trying out a (kinda) new process with this one

[Image: Voodoo-2.jpg]

[Image: Voodoo-Flat.jpg]

Very sweet idea! I have to admit, though, that it took me some time to figure out what is going on here. The needle in the puppet seems to be stung a little too low for the guys reaction / shadow, also I had some trouble figuring out the hand in the foreground. I'm not too sure how to fix that but maybe trying to make the hand a little lighter (like the darker parts of the puppet) or adding a thumb would help?

Elif - Thanks a bunch for that. They're all great crits, I see what you mean. I think photobucket's butchering the image a little, but not enough to be a real excuse lol. I'll work on it today, see if I can fix some stuff. Cheers :D

Took yesterday off for the most part. Achey wrists.

Flesh eating plant spitpainting
[Image: Flesh-eating-Plant.jpg]

Also, figured I'd post this here as well:

I'm now the proud owner of
Check it out, for nearly 3000 hours of me struggling with art. 7000 more coming soon ;).

Completely butchered the face on this, gonna repaint it today
[Image: Voodoo-Flat-1.jpg]

Beautiful Grim Spitpaint
[Image: Beauty-Vs-Grim.jpg]

Really like this new piece and how it's coming along. The added light from both wounds help connect the composition! I don't think that the face is too butchered, just darker! The expression is still very strong! He might be hurting a bit more now haha :)

However I do think it's on the verge of becoming a bit confusing with the lines and flow of all the objects. I think that it's mainly the fingers being kind of close to the edge of the canvas aswell as pointing out of it. I would probably try and change some lines so that they flow between the character and the doll!
Some other lines that run parallell is his left arm and the needle, plus the armband and candle!
I hope that helps some mate!

Nice idea with the mattepaintings too, very subtle additions which read naturally. Seems like good practice! :D

Nice work Jake, this latest piece seems to be coming along nicely, plus it's cool that you've been fixing as you. Building a connection between the doll and the guy was smart and it's better now this hand is more clear. A thing that's bugging me about that hand though is the tangent between the hand and the guys head. It's hard to work out it's scale because there's no overlapping forms between it and the dude. It almost looks like a giant hand right above his head. I know it's a pain in the ass fixing stuff like this at this point but a possible idea might be to make that guy slightly bigger so that the hand overlaps a bit of his head, that way we can see the scale better.

Hope this helps dude. P.s lovin the light on that dolls face, especially on those buttons lol.


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