Monkeybread's Dribblings
This painting is a painting. An evening's painting worth of a painting no less.

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Really great painting :) I like how you catch reflections on the roof making it look wet. I would consider moving tree from the center this placing makes tree much too important.

Thanks Madzia! I'm not sure I 100% agree with you on the tree, but I totally see where you're coming from. I almost put it further up the hill but guess I couldn't make it work at the time. I need to go back in and fix the figures anyway so I might have a fiddle with the tree again. Thanks for the crit!

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The painting before this last one is great; love that time of day when the clouds are catching all kinds of warm colors. I agree that the tree in this last one is taking a bit too much of the focal point and it stops the eye from moving around the image. Time to chop that thing down! :)

Thanks MrF...ok now that's 2 against the tree....might have to seriously consider tweaking it
speedie. a place in it or something

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love the atmosphere with this one

coupla tings

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Heathen Enviro and a painting I did of a dream I had
[Image: attachment.php?aid=31046]

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In love with that Heathen enviro dream... my goodness... it's just so... beautiful!! :')

Moar pls <:!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Fantastic sketchbook. Love the improvement throughout. The enviros are stunning.

Fantastic environments. I like b. the most out of the mood thumbnails.

@smrrfette: Thanks! :)
@brianjohnson: too kind too kind.
@Ignatz: Thanks man...that one's definitely the winner :)

Random fun skitcharoos tonight

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Everything is 500 times better than your first page (I DID THE MATH) ! Heathen is looking very awesome, just... damn.

I agree, the Heathen images are great.

MannyHatz: I want your calculator :)
Thanks MrF!

An entry for eow at ca after an age. I haven't finished it so it needs a lot of work, so any crit will be really useful.

*UPDATE: I won the round with this one! Damn, it's such a small thing but it's the first time I have ever won anything art related, and the first time since my first EoW entry over 4 years ago! Just goes to show, persistence does pay off and get your patience on people, cuz that's what it takes haha

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EoW 215. The pagoda

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@ your EOW entry: I like it as it is, it already tells a story. I don't know what the topic/expectation is, but I think you could even risk not finishing it.. nice and fresh already. :)

Tried a bit of plein air but it got a bit damp so I had to finish it off from memory

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As I don't do many characters, I thought I'd try submit an entry for a CHoW for a change.

This is a rough sketch where I'm just trying to sort out the main design theme, nail the pose, etc. No lighting, values or bg yet. I'm not 100% on the pose, it definitely needs balancing and more dynamism

The description for the character is here:

If anyone has anything to say on design, pose and whether I am in the right direction for the brief that would be great at this stage. Cheers!

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=1838022&d=1380454915]

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