If you're going to spend that much effort explaining to someone why their critiques are wrong well, good luck mate. Carry on!
(05-03-2018, 07:00 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: [ -> ]If you're going to spend that much effort explaining to someone why their critiques are wrong well, good luck mate. Carry on!
Please review the previous post #180 and #179 you might have miss the modification i did.
"understanding" concepts is not the same as applying them well. But I don't really care to continue a discussion on this. Carry on as you see fit.
Some perspective+cast shadow+cylinder
Form intersection and some titlted form
okay cool, now apply those exact concepts to like some of the critters you were drawing before; INVENT something using those forms youre drawing WITH that foundation, showing the concept in what youre drawing ;)
Pimping my game with some insect drawing.
good, youre getting the idea with the second one, show those forms, now try and draw that thing as if you were not above it maybe even looking up at it, or next to it. You could use a transparent floor so you can see the underside of its belly
A bit more of those little horror
Plant are a pain in the ass for me.1 baboo,2 cactus.
Did i say plant are a pain in the ass?Bamboo and random flower.
think about leaves, how can you show the form turning on leaves, use wrapping lines if you have to, show stuff moving in space, dont just draw a flat silhouette!
(05-10-2018, 10:46 PM)Fedodika Wrote: [ -> ]think about leaves, how can you show the form turning on leaves, use wrapping lines if you have to, show stuff moving in space, dont just draw a flat silhouette!
As i said the wrapping line concept is something i been practicing what is my weakness i believe is bending leave and overlapping that i been avoiding for silly reason.The second image of the post #191 was more about how can i draw multiple group of leaf.Because it almost impossible to draw every leaf of a plant you eventually get lost in the noice of the detail.I sometime leave some fundamental behind to focus on specic set of goal.
I could do some more drawing just focus on wrapping form but i think i was keeping this for later in the stage where i would really get down to anatomy.For the moment it more copying than anything and getting familiar with the concept to create a somewhat logical progress i feel comfortable in.
This is your most excellent drawing in my opinion. I don't know why, but your other work doesn't have the same sense of structure. The first cactus looks promising though! It would be cool to see more drawings of that plant or similar with a little more specificity to the forms.
(05-11-2018, 06:22 AM)JosephCow Wrote: [ -> ]This is your most excellent drawing in my opinion. I don't know why, but your other work doesn't have the same sense of structure. The first cactus looks promising though! It would be cool to see more drawings of that plant or similar with a little more specificity to the forms.
Yes i feel like what is missing is a sense of ground plane and a sense of horizon in the scene my form are floating inside the page most of the time but this one seem to be on solid ground.Even with wrapping line it not enought i think what really help is putting a ground grind but to also have a sense of the x y z axe.I think i should focus on the feng zhu approch to drawing insect.
Random structure and prop.I Should really focus on those volume i can see there awful.Specially that bowl is trash.
-thank for the comment
Time to scan some more recent work.
1 Armored Car and some dinosaur.
Still got problem drawing cercle inside cercle should i use a compass and draw over it .Anyone got an advice?
Old gesture with wrapping line
Gonna scan some more drawing soon.I been slowing down drawing atm to reshedule the topic i am studying i will be working on more environement study coming soon but there other work i want to finish before going there.Stay tune.
Some pumpkin and some prop.