I think my problem right now is that i use the dodge and burn tool without understanding how color change in light and shadow.I have little to no understanding of color but i understand that object can absorb some reflected light.
For reference i manage to fix the issue but i am still really unsure about how to control the amount of texture i put in.I don't use image overlay.But i do use some texture brush that might contribute to negative comment from other artist who see it as a bad habit.
So here a few thumbnail i did in illustrator for some concept of what i would describe as retro pistol.If you have a favorite let me know so i will enter you in the poll for the design i should develop.
I like the first one in the first row, and the first two in the second row. Interesting shapes.
(08-29-2019, 05:49 AM)Dennis Kutsenko Wrote: [ -> ]I like the first one in the first row, and the first two in the second row. Interesting shapes.
Glad you came by again it a honor to have your feed back.
Love the designs on the illustrator images. I just started using that program for client work, the pen tool is driving me nuts!!! You seem to have a great grasp of it, very nice and clean work. Looking forward to more updates!
(08-30-2019, 12:18 AM)cgmythology Wrote: [ -> ]Love the designs on the illustrator images. I just started using that program for client work, the pen tool is driving me nuts!!! You seem to have a great grasp of it, very nice and clean work. Looking forward to more updates!
Yes i had the chance that i participated in a multimedia program meant for career orientation where it was part of the program yes the pen can be hard to understand specially how to make curve or how to make straight line i have mileage what can i say.Plus what i absolutely love and is barely starting to get my hear wrap around is something call pathfinder it let you create form so easly you can combine subtract and even add to existing shape it a under estimated tool alot of beginner will miss before realizing the true potential behind it it save so much time when you start working smart.
Did you know that in Photoshop you can actually turn a pen into a selection?It a nice alternative to the polygonal lasso when you really need to alternate between curve and right angle.
Something i definitively have to try is to avoid my such carefully carve thumbnail and learn to create using only a brush and an eraser to gain more string to my bow of process creative idea generation.
To day is all about retro sci fi shotgun i decided to stay away from the cowboy looking gun and i think i kinda miss the mark on the retro look on some of those design.I think if i would give myself a quick critic it would have been to have use more western looking handle.
If you have a favorite let me know so i will enter you in the poll for the design i should develop.
Next phase will be retro sci fi rifle and then i will start to refine the outline of each categorie and then i will move toward the rendering.
(08-30-2019, 02:45 AM)darktiste Wrote: [ -> ]To day is all about retro sci fi shotgun i decided to stay away from the cowboy looking gun and i think i kinda miss the mark on the retro look on some of those design.I think if i would give myself a quick critic it would have been to have use more western looking handle.
If you have a favorite let me know so i will enter you in the poll for the design i should develop.
Next phase will be retro sci fi rifle and then i will start to refine the outline of each categorie and then i will move toward the rendering.
The second at the middle , on the left side is interesting !
Finishing to post the thumbnail moving to line work soon.If you have a favorite let me know so i will enter you in the poll for the design i should develop.
Interesting stuff dude. I like the bottom one on this last post :).
W.I.P just updating the progress.Took me more time than i though to come up with something i felt confident i could push forward.It easy to imagine a silhouette but it something else to transfer those silhouette into line that create shape that turn into plane.It even harder when you try to imagine what a gun would look like if it use other thing than bullet you have to try to retain some realism if possible.
Yeah 100k view cap reached here a small preview of the progress i made on the gun.
Still struggling to find that matte vs metallic ratio
tried a new technic with glossian blur and i am pretty pump about the result and how quick it was to apply.
The grip is still in progress.The ''radiator'' is the part i am not happy yet.Oh yeah and i also tried some bounce light baby!!!
Might add some phototexture just to stay out of the comfort zone and see if it can give some extra charm i was think about adding something warning symbol.I will also remove the little detail under the barrel that was some kind of button to adjust the weapon intensity and i am still figuring out where i will put it probably somewhere on the side panel with the thermal indication.Now that i think of it as write those line i will need to adjust the trigger position and add a finger guard to prevent the finger from touching the radiator.
I also want to thank everybody who as supported this sketchbook and still continue to.The best is to come thank you all.
The barrel of the gun is supposed to be a cylinder, no? You've shaded it as if it's a flat panel.
(09-13-2019, 02:09 AM)JosephCow Wrote: [ -> ]The barrel of the gun is supposed to be a cylinder, no? You've shaded it as if it's a flat panel.
Yea i had a change of mind at the last second.I will try to do gun with cylinder barrel an other time i did some earlier in my sketchbook but i have trouble rendering metal surface that are cylinder in my opinion.
Great news i finally finish this gun probably my biggest piece so far.I hope you enjoy the result as much as i do.I made 2 version one to explore how it would look with decal and one without to look more stock.
Finish the shotgun moving to the sniper rifle.
I'm not sure if you made a 3D model of the shotgun - can you render it from different angles? It would be interesting to see it in action with its radioactive hazard ^^
(10-08-2019, 11:48 AM)Leo Ki Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure if you made a 3D model of the shotgun - can you render it from different angles? It would be interesting to see it in action with its radioactive hazard ^^
No i didn't and i don't plan to because i have almost zero 3d basic right now.For rendering the gun in a different angle it could be possible but i don't see the need of it right now.I am mainly practicing design and rendering if i would try to render this in perspective i would probably need to practice my perspective skill a bit or alot more than it is right now.I am more into idea than presentation so that why i like rendering material to compensate but i understand that cool angle can also play a role in selling idea right now it one of my weakness.I am trying to play with my strength of course i can't let some fundamental lag to much behind so i need to come back to some perspective exercise in a not so far future.
The fact that I got a sense of 3D from your 2D is a good sign actually. One thing you could do to enhance the realism is to add green highlights from the "lamp" on various elements. Maybe you did already and I can't perceive them.
(10-09-2019, 12:03 PM)Leo Ki Wrote: [ -> ]The fact that I got a sense of 3D from your 2D is a good sign actually. One thing you could do to enhance the realism is to add green highlights from the "lamp" on various elements. Maybe you did already and I can't perceive them.
I think reflected light might be an area where i am kinda shy right now but i am trying for sure.Thank for the 2d to 3d comment i think if i can share a tips with you is to focus on understanding form and light but also use good contrast between the background and the object can help achieve that 3d look i think it as also something to do with the profile view that make it look kinda like it being build in a 3d software and lastly would be good handling of texture that reflect the material propriety.