Good on you for starting.
Suggestions: Stay away from using stick figures with no suggestion of form, even for the shortest drawings, eve if you are managing to describe the general action. This is because they don't make good scaffolding to build on top of when you have more time. The goal isn't to rush to a "final" in quickest most comfortable way possible for you. Doesn't even really matter if you don't get a whole figure everytime , but learn to develop the scaffold well. Speed And quality comes with experience. Even for the 30s ones try not to feel rushed. Work methodically with whatever abstraction method you are practicing at the time.
The Reilly figure method if you're going to keep trying uses tapered "tubes" for the initial limb gestures. YouTube some reilly method demos called Quicksketch or gesture. Proko, Tim Gula, Ron Lemen, Bradwynn Jones, and E Gist on Watts channel have video demos. They aren't all explaining in detail but it's helpful to watch different processes to try if you aren't willing to try any actual instructional courses.
One part of Lemen's 4 vid series, they all have some value.
Here's Eric's one Can get a lot out of just speeding up the video and watching a process, he also talks about relevance of these exercises to concept art, fashion, costume, creature etc.
Get used to seeing lines of action that connect through limbs and torso if they are there and draw them in connected swoops where it makes sense. This will help you see larger rhythms and unify your figures. You don't have to separate each limb in space all the time.
Try and be a bit looser with your drawing arm and ghosting or lightly drawing a few lines isn't a bad thing. Is your tablet a small size perhaps? Do you draw with your wrist or whole arm?
Change your brush settings to something that varies the size and/or flow/opacity with pressure. The solid single size lines don't look great and you actually want a taper to your strokes so you can work lightly for guides but also quickly imply depth or form turn simply with pressure control of your hand in one stroke. Better yet, use pencil, charcoal or ballpoint, it's built into the hardware.
The 10 min ones. Generally a it's a bad habit when learning to leave out hands and feet consistently. Learn some simplified abstractions for them and give them a go. In general The Reilly abstractions are guides. They are scaffolding to then lay on the anatomy or clothes on top of. The point isn't to keep or even draw all the lines of the rhythms but to use them where it makes sense for the pose. With pressure sensitivity you can even draw them light and then draw over again with the darker "final" lines of the figure or costume