Lungcell's draws and paints
interesting stuff! I like the hands studies, now it seems you can make some pretty good hands drawings! Im sure this hands studies payed off and i plan to start too:D

Freelancer available for new commissions
Deviant art:
devin: thanks man, I appreciate the encouragement! The cute stuff is fun and I'd love to do more!
lex_paul: you should definitely give it a go man, I'm amazed by how much better I can visual them in my head! 10 hands a day and within a week 1/2 you're up to 100 :) I think I'll do another series with some other body parts

Some work from the past 2 days :)

Some redesigns for a series called Mortal Engines :)


Cool character designs! The style reminds me of Alex Pascenko in a way. Also would like to see an egg head game lol

Dat Egg, nice work!

Man, nice sketchbook. I swear I've seen your stuff in the art board on 4chan a loooong time ago. I'm really fond of the character designs as well, there's something about their proportions that make the characters appear small/short in stature. I dunno if that was intentional, or not, I just thought it might be worth mentioning.

Great stuff! :DD

pnate - thanks maaan! Yeah Alexs stuff is great :) Haha lots of people seem to like the cute stuff, so I might do some more of that!
David - haha, thank you and for adding me to Skype the other night!
Archreux - Woah, yeah I posted a few times on /ic/, but I haven't stepped foot there in looong time. I found it killed my motivation. Do you post there?? Thanks a bunch for the crits, you are dead on about some being a bit short (Thaddeus is pretty bad). I think it might be the lower torso and legs are a bit short… MOAR STUDY.


Sketchbook drawing from a little while ago that I'm working on in PS.

And some more studies. Sorry for all the egg related work at the moment, but they're egg-cellent (boo) for trying to learn forms and space.

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Didn't get a lot done today. A small GoT study, looking at halftones… at least I think they're halftones. I like that slight saturation on the turn of the form.

Anyway, I spent a good while learning about book design today.

Nearly finished I think!

really nice color studies, I love the design of undead thing :D I would only consider the stomach inside to be more baggy it looks a little like the organ inside a jar filled with fluids. Guts hang perfectly I would love to see the stomach affected by gravity too

Really nice paint over with the skeletal guy, your pencils are really something. I haven't gone back to /ic/ in forever, I felt the same way about the community and whatnot, it's 4chan afterall, haha. I only posted once, that was enough for me.

I'm interested in seeing more pencil drawings. Awsome stuff. :DD

I've been away :( I recently starting freelancing with another older game artist who gets very regular work. An apprenticeship of sorts. But I've been lazy, and I haven't made time to study. So this is a push to get back into the habit. Here's a few things from recently to get things going.

Madzia and Archreux thank for your comments! Madzia, yeah you're right, I didn't notice it was so stiff - I'll fix it so it "hangs" more :)
Archreux - Here are some pencils for you :) There are more so I'll upload what I can tonight!

A bit rusty on the studies.

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cool work lungcell, i really liked the character designs and solid studies.
hey man, nice studies ! Your stuff from mind should be more thought before spending time on it !
really vizualise the volume and where the light is coming from and then paint ! Keep your hard work !

I haven't been posting :(

Ben - thanks man, I appreciate it!
kikindaface - I'll try to keep my light sources more in mind thanks

A metal study from Game of Thrones, and 100 chest/torso studies (most from observation, peppered with some from memory). I did this a while ago with hands and it really helped. I think I've struck on something here that helps me learn.

Some studies and application!

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Awesome sketch book dude. You character designs are really nice looking. Is that fat guy with the seahorse lower body yours or is that a study?


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